Youth Without Borders The Netherlands
Summary NS Stadshart Heineken Gouda cheese Zoetermeer ICT Agriculture Questions
NS Nederlandse Spoorwegen Dutch Railways network Founded 1939 State enterprice Work for youth?
Stadshart Economy Primark Cafes
Heineken Founded 1863 Place 3 International 178 countries #3 Transport 2013 profit of 1,587 billion Euro’s
Gouda cheese Export product Only country which transports Gouda cheese Germany, Russia, USA and Japan
Zoetermeer ICT Haagse High School ID- College Good study Lot of work
Agriculture Important agriculture country However, small contribution to the GDP
Questions unemployment Is this problem caused simply by lack of jobs? What are the obstacles that youth face from education to employment? Is the increase of the retirement age a significant cause for youth unemployment? Are the governmental entities giving enough support to the matter?