ERAU ASCEND! Data Analysis Matthew Pomeroy & Adam Ritchie
Lassen iQ GPS Dual RS232 Serial Ports Operational Limit 0.2 ounces 101,000 ft/min Reached ~1,500 ft/min 0.2 ounces 1.02”x1.02”x0.24” Source: 1/11/2019 ERAU ASCEND!
Lassen iQ GPS Data 93,000 Feet Max velocity at ~105 mph Gila Bend High School Between PHX and Tucson 1/11/2019 ERAU ASCEND!
HOBO Data Logger Relative Humidity Internal Temperature External Temperature Specifications: 43,000 12 bit samples 16 ounces 2.3" x 2.9" x 0.9" Source: 1/11/2019 ERAU ASCEND!
Temperature Data 1/11/2019 ERAU ASCEND! BURST! Internal Temperature Stratosphere (36,000 ft to 93,000 ft) Relative Humidity External Temperature Tropopause (-60F) Lowest Humidity (5%) 1/11/2019 ERAU ASCEND!
6 DOF IMU Setup 6 Degrees of Freedom Specifications 57600 Baud 40 Hz ± 6 g’s 300 degrees/sec A to D SD Logger 1 GB SD card Source: 1/11/2019 ERAU ASCEND!
IMU Data Roll Rate Pitch Rate Yaw Rate X-Acc Y-Acc Z-Acc 1/11/2019 ERAU ASCEND!
IMU Data Interference Radio Transmissions Caused Jumps in Data 1/11/2019 ERAU ASCEND!
IMU Data Filtered Data Attempt to Subtract out Interference 1/11/2019 ERAU ASCEND!
Conclusions The payload traveled over 100 miles and went over 93,000 feet high The temperature measurements showed that the box was well insulated. IMU Data is corrupted by radio transmissions Future Goals Protect IMU from Radio Interference 1/11/2019 ERAU ASCEND!
Questions?? See ya’ll in Da Pool!!!! 1/11/2019 ERAU ASCEND!