G&H : Oct. 2001
G&H : In vitro experiment 2001 1 variety : PRI* 3 mediums (ref. 611) (S30-S60-S120) 3 induction conditions (cold period) 3 environmental factors (F, F+i, 27°C) 24 treatments (3 months cold is late) * MES: 6 treatments only, 0 and 3 months cold induction, on 30-60 and 120 g/l sucrose
In vitro cultures (PRI) G&H : In vitro experiment 2001 In vitro cultures (PRI) Sucrose gradient (20-40-80-120 g/l)
G&H : In vitro experiment 2001 Analysis of Variance Source Sum-of-Squares df Mean-Square F-ratio P COLD 1.992 2 0.996 1.300 0.279 SUCROSE 15.543 2 7.772 10.144 0.000 Error 49.797 65 0.766 Least Squares Means F F+i F27 CLIMATE 1 2 ALLIIN 30 60 120 SUCROSE 1 2
G&H : In vitro experiment 2001 Alliin content of PRI basal parts of garlic plants grown in vitro under various climatic conditions and on distinct sucrose concentrations (g/l) in the culture medium
Mineral base of MS, replacing SO4 ions by Cl2 G&H : In vitro experiments 2002 Mineral base of MS, replacing SO4 ions by Cl2 EXP. in vitro II , Medium ref. 633, Sucrose 6%, Agar 0,65% EXP. in vitro III , Medium ref. 648, Sucrose 6%, liquid medium 0-3-6 or 0-3-6-12 meq SO4 MES PRI MOR
Greenhouse conditions 2001 PRI MOR
G&H : Greenhouse conditions 2001
G&H : Field trial FR2001 Least Squares Means 1 2 3 4 S treatment 71 79 87 95 103 Bulb weight (g) Analysis of Variance Sum-of-Squares df Mean-Square F-ratio P S LEVEL 57.721 3 19.24 0.405 0.752 Error 570.41 12 47.53
G&H : Field trial FR2001 Soil analyses performed by INRA Laboratories at ARRAS 20/06/01 28/08/01 21/02/01 25/08/00 14/05/01 Sulphur (France) 100 200 400 Treatment Total 217 149 189 156 172 187 168 127 188 114 Water soluble 9 7 5,6 8 9,7 11 12,2 16 20,8 22