Unique approaches Alexander Reeve
Chris Killip research Chris Killip was born in Douglas, Isle of Man in 1946. he left school at 16 to become a hotel manager but started to peruse a career in photography in 1964. From 1966-1969 he worked as a free lance photography assistant and saw his very first exhibition of photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and that is how it all started.
Chris Killip ‘In Flagrante’ Mostly taken in the late 1970’s to early 1980’s, the pictures feature the north of England during the industrial decline. They are all black and white and feature normal, average, everyday people and places of the time and really show the problems caused by the decline. In Flagrante 2 is a very successful book showing his skills in showing the emotions of the time and has captured some great scenes. Chris Killip , Seacoal Camp, Lynemouth, Northumberland, 1984 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/photography/11145782/Chris-Killip-In-Flagrante.html?frame=3064301 Last accessed 7/11/1016
In Flagrante example: This is a simple scene of a semi- detached house and a park next to it in the fog. I really like this image because at first glance it looks simple but the more you study it the more you find. From the child in the window to the silhouettes in the fog, it really shows the feeling of the time. I think a normal camera was used, it would have to be analogue and use film, but other than that all I think was used was a tripod. Coalmine and Housing, Castleford, Yorkshire © Chris Killip https://www.ft.com/content/abe3886c-ba34-11e5-bf7e-8a339b6f2164 Last accessed 7/11/2016
In Flagrante example: In this scene there is a man looking at a wall with litter blowing past him. I like the depth that the shadows give this image and it shows how deserted the setting feels. The scene is a bit blurred around the man and the trash blowing through so I think a simple film camera of the time was used, nothing too expensive, just the standard good camera of the time and possibly a tripod. Chris Killip, True Love Wall, Gateshead, 1976 http://thephotographersgallery.org.uk/chris-killip-2 Last accessed 7/11/2016
Daido Moriyama research Daido Moriyama was born in 1938 in Osaka, where he studied photography before moving to Tokyo in 1961. There he worked as an assistant to Eikoh Hosoe, but started his own collection featuring the darker and forgotten sides of the city and later on got the New Artist Award from the Japan Photo-Critics Association.
71-NY research In Daido Moriyama went to New York with his Olympus Pen W half frame camera and took some incredible pictures for his project 71-NY. This camera allowed Daido to take a lot of pictures very quickly and was just a small simple camera. The images are of the darker side of New York, as was his style, but since he used such a simple little camera, not a lot of the images are level, clear and sharp like other professionals try to all ways achieve. Although that gives a sense of realness to his images as they are not meant to be pretty.
71-NY example: This is an image of a hallway with a cat passing through. I like the dark shadowy doors and cat figure because the rest of the hallway seems well lit up. This was taken with a simple, small, film camera and the exposure wasn’t very high. Daido Moriyama, Posted on November 8, 2011 by Russet Lederman https://icplibrary.wordpress.com/2011/11/08/new-york-daido-moriyama-and-william-klein/ Last accessed 7/11/2016
71-NY example: This image is of a stray dog walking through the street. Daido Moriyama, 2016 by shashasha https://www.shashasha.co/en/artist/daido-moriyama Last accessed 7/11/2016