Preparing for European Funding 13th June 2015 Supporting voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations to understand the information requirements when bidding for and receiving European funding
Purpose of Today Brief update on ‘calls’ Understand what information organisations must provide: to support partnership bidding when receiving European funding Could you provide this now if asked? If not, what support do you need?
Information requirements To support partnership bidding concise and detailed info required in v. short timescales to meet deadlines When receiving European funding very specific & stringent requirements monitoring and reporting systems required
Brief update on ESIF opportunities: Current open calls in GM: support to small and medium sized enterprises and promoting entrepreneurship (closes 29/05/15) strengthening and promoting research, technological development and innovation (closes 27/05/15)
Brief update on ESIF opportunities: Forthcoming calls in GM: E1 Supporting people 25+ who are marginalised / multiple difficulties to be socially included & improve employability. “Building Better Opportunities” (Big Lottery opt-in). Opens 08/06/15
A2 Early Support for 15-18 year olds not in education and training A2 Early Support for 15-18 year olds not in education and training. Likely to be launched late May 2015 C1 Skills support for those in work. Likely to be launched late May 2015 Details of all calls at
Format Share our experience of what’s required Ask you to explore the issues in groups Lots of time for feedback and questions Start to identify what support you need Explain what will happen next
What happens next? Gaps in your ability to: Start to think about now: provide bidding info? meet monitoring & reporting requirements? Start to think about now: How can you fill those gaps? What must you do? Do you have the skills and resources within your organisation or do you need support? What specific support would help you?
What happens next? More calls will be announced through the year GMCVO will update you as they are released Big Lottery opt-in ‘Building Better Opportunities’ Other ‘opt-ins’ calls including Skills Funding Agency
For more information