Welcome to My IEP Meeting Name Grade Date
Purpose of the Meeting The Purpose of this meeting is to determine if I continue to qualify for Special Education Services. My qualifications are … What that means to me….
Transition Assessments I complete the __________________________ interest survey. I also completed the following assessments: I found….
My Goals for After High School… 1. After Graduation from High School I will (Training) 2. Following Gradation from ____ I will (Job) 3. After graduation from High School I will live _______. (Independent Living)
Classes and Grade I plan on Graduating from High school in -- My classes and grades this year are … Math: Science: Social Studies: Reading: English XXX:
Teacher Reports
My Classes for Next Year Math: Science: Social Studies: Reading: English XXX:
Modifications/Accommodations I use: That I had last year but do not need: I could use in the future:
Additional Activities (Complete if needed or delete this slide) Related Services Transportation Medical
Statewide Assessment I took statewide assessment for (reading, math, science, history) the state mandated testing in the Spring of 20____. I received a score of _____. I did/did not pass. (If I did not pass, I plan to [what are the interventions and retest options]) This year I will be taking the statewide assessment for _____
IEP Goals and Objectives
Extra-Curricular Activities School Organizations: Sports: Events: Community Job (Seasonal/part-time) Volunteer Work The extra-curricular goals that will help me with what I want to do after high school are:
Thank you for coming to my IEP Meeting!