Space Race and Arms Race By Raven Stabler and Luke Sheehan
Space Race: Atomic Weapons Many believe that the more nuclear weapons you have, the more powerful you were Thus America and USSR stockpiled nuclear weapons After the USSR launched the Sputnik, it lead to ICBM, Inter-continental Ballistic Missiles As a result America created the DEW line around the Arctic, Defense and Early Warning system
Atomic weapons cont. The USSR put all their money into building more missiles regardless of quality While America spent their money on fewer missiles but better quality By 1981 the US. had 8000 ICBM’s and the USSR had 7000 ICBM’s US. had 4000 planes capable of delivering nuclear weapons, the USSR had 5000
Who were the two superpowers? One of the Superpowers is The United States The second superpower was the USSR ( Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
Sputnik 1 Sputnik I was a huge deal because it was the first artificial satellite launched into space The satellite sent out a “beep-beep” from space from October 4, 1957 until the battery died 22 days later The Sputnik had an instrument that would measure the density of the atmosphere The Sputnik remained in orbit until January 4, 1958, as it was entering the atmosphere it combusted :C
Achievements of the Superpowers After the lunar missions, America lost interest in going to the moon, making Apollo 17 the last ship to the moon The Soviet union sent unmanned machines and robots to the moon, but they never sent a man to the moon. The USSR launched the first woman to space Wernher von Braun led a team to develop the Saturn V booster which sent the Apollo astronauts to the moon
Conclusion of the Cold War President Nixon and Soviet Communist Party Secretary Leonid Brezhnev signed two basic SALT I documents in Moscow on May 26, 1972 SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks/Treaty) The first SALT I document was an agreement limiting strategic offensive weapons The second SALT I document was the ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missiles)which restricted strategic defensive systems The United States ended the space race by being the first to land on the moon