States of Matter Keywords Solid Liquid Gas Mass Melting Compressed Freezing Particles Condensation Evaporation
Elements Keywords Atom Element Molecule Compound Mixture Properties Carbon Zinc Aluminium Copper Hydrogen Nitrogen
Solutions Keywords Solvent Solute Solution Dissolve Saturated Suspension Concentrated Dilute Crystallisation Copper Sulphate
Mixtures and Compounds Keywords Atom Element Compound Molecule Hydrogen Mixture Oxygen Magnesium Iron Sulphur Carbon
Separating Mixtures Keywords Soluble Insoluble Reversible Irreversible Filtration Evaporation Distillation Distillate Liebig Condenser Chromatography
The Atom Keywords Subatomic Particle Proton Positive Neutron Neutral Nucleus Orbit Electron Negative Isotope Periodic Table
Keywords The Periodic Table Symbol Groups Periods Alkali Alkaline Halogen Noble Metals Aluminium Magnesium
Ionic Bonding Keywords Compound Chemical bonds Octet Rule Arrangement Ionic Electrons Transferred Positively Negatively Ion
Covalent Bonding Keywords Sharing Stable Single Bond Double Bond Hydrogen (H2) Water (H2O) Methane (CH4) Oxygen (O2) Molecule
Ionic and Covalent Compounds Keywords Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Magnesium Oxide (MgO) Crystal Lattice Individual Conduct Electricity
Acids Keywords Acid Corrosive Hydrochloric acid (HCl) Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) Carbonic Acid pH Scale Indicator
Bases Keywords Base Alkalis Sodium hydroxide Calcium hydroxide Caustic soda Limewater
Air Keywords Nitrogen Oxygen Carbon dioxide Mixture Limewater Cobalt Chloride Magnesium
Water Keywords Freezing Boiling Solvent Treatment Screening Settling Filtration Chlorination Fluoridation Lather Distillation Resin Electrolysis Voltameter
Metals Keywords Lustrous Malleable Ductile Dense Conductors Oxidation Corrosion Galvanising Alloy Reactivity Zinc Hydrochloric acid
Fossil Fuels Keywords Carbon Hydrogen Methane (CH4) Gas Oil Coal Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
Plastics Keywords Plastics Durable Non-biodegradable Polythene Nylon PVC Polystyrene Perspex Transparent