UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48C: The Age of Camelot: Was John F UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48C: The Age of Camelot: Was John F. Kennedy a good president? NOTES 48.2 “Spectrum 1” – PAGE #X3: Create a spectrum, like the one in your notebook guide. Draw it into your notes. See Mr. Galindo’s example. Don’t forget the titles for the opposite ends of the spectrum. As you read through Section 48.2, starting on page 626, record facts about President Kennedy that you think show what was great or not so great about his presidency. Include the following facts of events/people/KCTS on your spectrum: the “Kennedy style” - 1st televised presidential debate - “the Best and the Brightest” - the New Frontier - tax cuts - civil rights – Sputnik – NASA - Neil Armstrong
UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48C: The Age of Camelot: Was John F UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48C: The Age of Camelot: Was John F. Kennedy a good president? NOTES 48.2 REVIEW “Facts”: the “Kennedy style”: his tone of elegance, youthful style, charm, & personable magnetism caused many young people to like & support him 1st televised presidential debate: Nixon looked weak, had a severely injured knee, sick with the flu & refused to wear stage make-up - Kennedy appeared fresh, relaxed, confident – people who watched thought Kennedy won the debate – people who listened on the radio thought Nixon won the debate – Kennedy barely squeaked by to win the election “the Best and the Brightest: Kennedy surrounded himself with advisers from major universities, a former CEO of Ford, & his brother Robert as Attorney General (who never practiced law) – his call to service brought many young people to Washington with new ideas the New Frontier: his list of concrete goals: aid education (F) – end poverty (F) – tax cuts (F)– raising minimum wage (A) – elderly medical care (F)– urban/city improvements (C) – legislation to ban discrimination (F) – increase in defense spending (A) – increase funding in NASA (A) tax cuts: in order to counter huge increases in defense spending & the recession, his tax cuts were to provide more money in people pockets & stimulate the economy – Congress blocked/opposed any attempt to cut out the needs of the people
UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48C: The Age of Camelot: Was John F UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48C: The Age of Camelot: Was John F. Kennedy a good president? NOTES 48.2 REVIEW “Facts” – PART 2: civil rights: while campaigning for election, he called to end racial discrimination & won the African American vote – once in office he was cautious, not wanting to split the Democratic Party into a North/South – his first 2 years he did not proposed any new civil rights laws – after seeing the events in Birmingham, Alabama, he launched a huge civil rights bill – only to be blocked again by Congress. Sputnik: 1957, the Soviets shocked the world by launching the 1st artificial satellite into the earth’s orbit – 1 month later launched Sputnik II with a dog aboard – both events sparked the Space Race between the US & USSR. NASA: created in 1958 – by the time Kennedy took over, NASA had launched its 1st communication & weather satellites – April 12, 1961: Soviets stun the world by launching the 1st human (Yuri Gagarin) into space – 6 week later, Kennedy dramatically announced in a speech to Congress that the US would put a “man on the moon” by the end of the decade – Fall 1961: the 1st American (Alan Shepard) is launched into space. Neil Armstrong: July 20, 1969: 8 years later after Kennedy’s goal of a moon landing – 3 American astronauts reached the moon as part of the Apollo program – the world was in awe as Neil Armstrong became the 1st human on the moon’s surface.
UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48C: The Age of Camelot: Was John F UNIT 14: THE SIXTIES Chapter 48C: The Age of Camelot: Was John F. Kennedy a good president? BENCHMARK REVIEW & T-O-T-D: BM: The “separate but equal” principle established by the Supreme Court in Plessy v Ferguson (1896) resulted in the … continuation of racial segregation. (the court case challenged segregation, Supreme Court said it was legal) B. forced integrated of al southern schools. C. loss of citizenship for African Americans. D. elimination of Jim Crow laws. T-O-T-D: Write into your notebooks first, then physically tell Mr. Galindo the one new thing you learned today.