18.7 million adults now own a tablet in the UK 36% …That’s 36% of people aged 15+ Source: GB TGI Clickstream 2014 Q3
What do people use their tablets for? News is a regular activity for almost half of tablet owners Source: YouGov 25-27 November 2013: 884 tablet owners online 18+
Tablet ownership increases news consumption Two out of five 18-24s spend more time reading news Source: YouGov 25-27 November 2013: 884 tablet owners online 18+
Who reads newsbrands on tablets? People who access and read their newsbrand titles on tablets - reach across age groups 22.6% 20.8% 16.7% 16.5% 8.9% 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Source: IPA TouchPoints 5
Who reads newsbrands on tablets? Similar number of male and female readers 48% 52% Source: IPA TouchPoints 5
Who reads newsbrands on tablets? Heavily weighted to more upmarket owners Source: IPA TouchPoints 5
Tablet readership -weekdays Monday- Friday Source: IPA TouchPoints 5
Tablet readership pattern during the weekend Most of the readership takes place BEFORE shopping 88% of shopping is done 65% of TV viewing remains Source: IPA TouchPoints 5
Tablet readers are highly engaged with newsbrands overall People who read news on their tablet... read a newspaper on tablet 46% AND read a digital newspaper 54% read a print newspaper 65% Tablet users who access news engage strongly with newspapers across all platforms. They are more likely than other device users to read newspapers both in print and online, as well as accessing via their tablet. total newspaper readership 81% Source: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism 2014