Stages of a Hero’s Journey
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Birth Demi-god: Half god, half mortal Unusual or special birth Demi-god: Half god, half mortal Typically: Father Immortal, mother human
Destiny Prophecy is revealed at birth Remember the prophecy about Narcissus? Prophecy is unavoidable even if life circumstances change (i.e. raised in poverty or in foster family) Remarkable accomplishment at a young age indicates and/or reinforces potential
The Quest Hero engages in an important task Can be chosen or assigned, but is always non- optional May involve an inward or internal quest, but usually refers to an epic external journey. Usually involves fantastical, magical, or mythological intervention and help in the form of help or meddling
The Journey If the Quest is the destination of a road trip, the Journey is comprised of all of the unexpected side stops along the way. Travels far from home Epic deeds and encounters result (monsters, etc.) Comes face-to-face with death, but doesn’t die- yet. Usually journeys to the Underworld
The Reward Hero is rewarded during or after the Journey Reward can be tangible or abstract (palace, position of authority, love, etc.) Reward achieved from Quest or Journey or given from the gods
Romance Usually a woman who betrayed her family to help the hero. Eventually ends up as his wife.
Death The hero encounters deaths along the way that shapes who he is, but his own death is unusual or remarkable. Followed by immortal fame and forgiveness of errors and flaws.