Smart Bond Project 2016-17 Security Exterior and Interior infrastructure for surveillance and campus security Equipment purchases Portable Distance Learning Lab Servers Cameras Chrome books
Estimated Budget Security Equipment $143,000 $47,000 Total Estimated Cost $190,000 Owen D. Young CSD allocated Smart Bond Funds - $292,000 The Capital project will address infrastructure issues requiring construction or redesign
Scope for surveillance? What is the proposed Scope for surveillance? Access control server Interior and exterior wiring updates as needed 8-10 centralized control Doors retrofitted with card swipes (room for additional doors as needed) Camera DVR’s as needed Lockdown dashboard Classroom PA speakers Purchase of exterior and interior cameras. (Determined upon need) 10% contingency
What is the proposed Scope for equipment purchases? Replace 1-2 servers Interactive whiteboards Laptops 3D printer LCD projectors 1 rear projection projector