Act 5 Resolution Act I Scene 1 - 0:01:35 Scene 2 - 0:12:45 Act II Scene 1 - 0:51:20 Scene 2 - 0:57:35 Act III Scene 1 - 1:32:25 Scene 2 - 1:44:45 Scene 3 - 2:06:10 Scene 4 - 2:12:20 Act IV Scene 1 - 2:25:50 Scene 2 - 2:28:35 Scene 3 - 2:29:50 Scene 4 - 2:33:15 Scene 5 - 2:41:05 Scene 6 - 2:55:30 Scene 7 - 2:57:00 Act V Scene 1 - 3:08:10 Scene 2 - 3:23:40 Act 5 Resolution
Act 5.1 A Grave Scene
Do Now: What is Comic Relief? 3:08:00 Do Now: What is Comic Relief? the inclusion of a humorous character, scene, or witty dialogue in an otherwise serious work, often to relieve tension. The bumbling, wise-cracking sidekick of the hero or villain Examples: Romeo and Juliet- The Lion King- Hamlet- Nurse Timon and Pumba Gravediggers talking about Ophelia’s burial
Scene 1 Audio- 3:08:10
Film Analysis- Text Analysis Film: Act 5, scene 1 Film Analysis- Text Analysis Where does this scene take place? How do you know? How does the setting impact the mood of the play? To what central idea does the setting relate? Graveyard “Gravedigger” character Grave digging scene comic relief It is a funeral scene sad, people mourning. Central Idea Mortality
Who or what are the gravediggers discussing. (1-56) Who or what are the gravediggers discussing? (1-56) *You can bullet the topic points. A woman who purposely drowned herself and whether she should get a Christian burial
4. What is Hamlet’s reaction to the gravediggers 4. What is Hamlet’s reaction to the gravediggers? What bothers him about the gravediggers? (lines 67-68) They are treating the corpse disrespectfully– one man in singing while digging and making jokes. Hamlet feels they should be somber. Go to line 147
In the film
5. When he is speaking to Hamlet, the gravedigger is unaware of the fact that he is speaking to the Prince. What does the gravedigger say about Hamlet? (Lines 150-166) Hamlet is mad (crazy) and lost his mind. He has been sent to England to “recover his wits.”
Back to the film! Turn to page 251 Hamlet sees a funeral procession approaching. Who does he see in the procession? (**Hint: Look at the stage directions on page 251) Claudius, Gertrude, Laertes, and a Priest The person who died must be someone Hamlet knows
7. Whose death are the members of the procession discussing and debating? What is the controversy regarding this death? (Lines 230-525) Ophelia-whether she should have a proper burial suicide Suicide= simple funeral (not Christian burial) Laertes argues with the priest, wants a proper burial.
8. What does Gertrude say she hoped for Ophelia? (254-257) That she would have married Hamlet.
Why does Hamlet approach Laertes? (267-271) What is Laertes’ specific reaction to Ophelia’s death (lines 260-261)? To whom is his anger directed and why? Is his reaction valid? (lines 257-267) Why does Hamlet approach Laertes? (267-271) Laertes’ anger is directed at Hamlet (He “deprived” her of her senses cause of madness) Hamlet used and rejected Ophelia Hamlet killed Polonius He thinks Laertes’ jumping in the grave was excessive. Hamlet tries to intimidate him.
How does Hamlet describe himself? (275-277) Does this text support or contradict his description of himself? How? “Not splenitive and rash” (275) yet he has in himself “something dangerous” (276) which Laertes should fear. No- he isn’t quick tempered and rash he still have not killed Claudius Yes- he did impulsively kill Polonius Yes- There is something dangerous at this point
What does Hamlet say about Laertes?
Compare Laertes’ words and actions to Hamlet’s Compare Laertes’ words and actions to Hamlet’s. How is Laertes a foil to Hamlet? Grieving for Ophelia Holds Hamlet responsible for her death Publicly expresses anger toward Hamlet Uses melodramatic language and actions to express his grief. Wants revenge for murdered father Has tried to fight Hamlet Grieving for Ophelia Takes no responsibility for her death Only thinks in private about his anger Also has excessive grief Wants revenge for murdered father Has yet to take action
Central Idea: _____________________ ***To what central idea does this contrast between the two characters relate and how? *** Central Idea: _____________________ Action vs. Inaction Mortality
Quick Write: How do the characters’ reactions to Ophelia’s death further develop central ideas in the play?
Act 5 Scene 2 (The Final Scene!) English 11R
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (The old Switch-eroo!) Hamlet changes the letters “Kill Hamlet” “Kill the bearers of this letter” R & G betrayed him.
Summary Claudius agrees that Laertes should take revenge upon Hamlet, and he encourages Laertes to kill Hamlet, since Hamlet’s erratic behavior has made him a threat to Claudius’s reign. The devious king begins to think of a way for Laertes to ensure his revenge without creating any appearance of foul play. He recalls that Hamlet has been jealous in the past of Laertes’ prowess with a sword, which was recently praised before all the court by a Frenchman who had seen him in combat. The king speculates that if Hamlet could be tempted into a duel with Laertes, it might provide Laertes with the chance to kill him. Laertes agrees, and they settle on a plan. Laertes will use a sharpened sword, rather than the customary dull fencing blade. Laertes also proposes to poison his sword, so that even a scratch from it will kill Hamlet. The king concocts a backup plan as well, proposing that if Hamlet succeeds in the duel, Claudius will offer him a poisoned cup of wine to drink from in celebration.
Tragic Flaw Tragic Hero Tragic resolution Reversal of Fortune Copy the following onto your worksheet! Term Definition Tragic Flaw Tragic Hero Tragic resolution Reversal of Fortune a character trait that leads to the protagonist’s downfall. Protagonist of a tragedy who possesses a tragic flaw. an event or series of events that involves a reversal of fortune and the resolution of previously unresolved conflicts A sudden change of events or reversal of circumstances (in a tragedy, the change would be for the worst, a comedy, for the better).
What apology does Hamlet offer Laertes before the fencing match What apology does Hamlet offer Laertes before the fencing match? What excuse does he give Laertes for his actions? What is Laertes’ response? To what central ideas does this conversation relate and how? He apologizes for hurting Laertes (Death of Polonius and Ophelia). He blames it on his MADNESS He says his feelings are satisfied even though he should want to get revenge BUT in terms of honor, he cannot accept so fast. Action vs. Inaction Madness Revenge
When Hamlet earns his first point in the match, Claudius offers Hamlet the cup and refuses. When Hamlet scores the second point, what does Gertrude do? How does this action relate to the definition of reversal of fortune? After Laertes realizes he has been poisoned, what does he reveal to Hamlet and the rest of the court? How does Hamlet kill Claudius Gertrude unknowingly drinks from the poisoned cup in honor of her son. He tells Hamlet what he has done- Hamlet is dead and so is Laertes. The King is responsible. He stabs him with a poisoned sword Makes him drink the poisoned cup
He asks for Hamlet’s forgiveness. What does Laertes ask of Hamlet before he dies? After all the death: What news does the English Ambassador bring? Who will now be King of Denmark? He asks for Hamlet’s forgiveness. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead Fortinbras
Why is Hamlet a tragic hero? What aspect of Hamlet’s character leads to his downfall? (Review definition of Tragic Flaw) Why is the resolution of the play defined as tragic? (Review definition of Tragic Resolution)
Quick Write: How does Hamlet’s downfall contribute to the tragic resolution of the play?