English 2 - March 3rd Agenda Hamlet Characters (and death) Video Clip: Act V Scene 2 Analyzing Tragedy Wrap-up/Homework You Will Need Notebook paper Writing implement Act V Scene 2 worksheet
Think-Table-Share Were Hamlet’s doubts about his revenge justified? Think silently about the question. Discuss the question with your table group. When called on, share your thought with the class. Were Hamlet’s doubts about his revenge justified?
Think-Table-Share Think silently about the question. Discuss the question with your table group. When called on, share your thought with the class. Which is more tragic, the death of the protagonist, or an innocent bystander?
Analyzing Tragedy Mark each character as innocent or guilty in this tragedy. Explain your choice. What has the biggest impact on the tragedy of the ending?
Homework - Due 03/07 Which play do you prefer, between Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet? Explain your answer (1 page response)