Four Electrical and Electronic Industry Associations Let‘s Study Biodiversity Conservation of biodiversity Employee education material (Essential points) Four Electrical and Electronic Industry Associations March 2017
How to use this document Since the Biodiversity Working Group of the Four Electrical and Electronic Industry Associations (WG) established in FY2011, we have compiled some tools and materials such as “Guidelines for Action by the Electrical and Electronic Industries concerning Biodiversity” and education and awareness-raising tool “Let’s Study Biodiversity (LSB)” to help deepen company employees' knowledge of biodiversity conservation. We realized the needs for an educational material on biodiversity which can be used as a part of general environmental education. Therefore we pick up essential points of LSB and compile this document. * Usage note This file is provided by the WG on the assumption that it will be used in-house and in events which your company is involved in. Therefore, it is prohibited to publicize this file, for example by releasing it on the Internet.
Biodiversity Conservation What is Biodiversity? Diversity of ecosystems Diversity of species Diversity of genes Various types of natural environments, such as forests, satoyama, rivers, marshes and coral reefs. Various kinds of living organisms, from animals and plants to microorganisms such as bacteria individuality of form and ecology even within the same species, through the possession of different genes. Benefits of Biodiversity Ecosystem Services Provisioning services Regulating services Cultural services Control the environment, such as natural disaster control and water and air purification by forests Offer mental satisfaction such as healing, aesthetic/cultural pleasure, etc. provide key resources for life, such as food, fuel, wood, fiber, water and chemicals Firstly, what is biodiversity? Biodiversity means the rich individuality of and connection between living organisms. Biodiversity has 3 levels. The first is "diversity of ecosystems." There are various types of natural environments, such as forests, satoyama, rivers, marshes and coral reefs. The second is "diversity of species." There are various living organisms, from animals and plants to microorganisms such as bacteria. The third is "diversity of genes." There is individuality of form and ecology even within the same species, through the possession of different genes. Humans are also a part of biodiversity, and our lives and societies are supported by biodiversity. It means that humans and society are not able to exist without biodiversity. We have to conserve the biodiversity for the sustainable society. Supporting services Form the basis for provisioning, regulating and cultural services. The generation of oxygen by photosynthesis, soil formation, the circulation of water and nutrition, etc. Our society cannot exist without biodiversity. Biodiversity conservation is necessary for our sustainable society.
Biodiversity Conservation Relationship between Business Activities and Biodiversity Biodiversity at Risk Human activities are causing an extinction of species at much faster rate than in nature. Business activities need the benefits of ecosystems. Business activities have impacts on biodiversity. More biodiversity conscious measures are needed for the continuity of our business activities. Business activities Procurement of raw materials Manufacture Distribution Use Collection/recycling /disposal Receive Impact Biodiversity Impact Ecosystem Services Deterioration of Biodiversity Trends Related to Biodiversity Now, biodiversity faces a crisis. It can be said that it is a crisis for human beings. One of the reasons causing this crisis is our business activities. Business grows as repeatedly goes through the process of procurement of resources, manufacture of products, distribution of products and receiving the price. But during the process, the activities could have negative impacts on biodiversity such as destruction of nature for getting resources, natural pollution and destruction of biodiversity by waste disposal. We have to understand that our society itself is not sustainable if business ruins biodiversity. It is important to remember that biodiversity is essential for our society and therefore the businesses operating in the society need to give special consideration to biodiversity. Countries around the world are required to develop National Strategy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity for the achievement of the 2020 Aichi Targets. Many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets are related to biodiversity. Biodiversity has integrated in ISO14001:2015 version. It is necessary for companies to address biodiversity as part of their main business, not just a part of social contribution.