Paul’s Epistles To The Churches & Saints In 4 Galatia Philippi Ephesus Colossae
Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians REVIEW Outline Salutation & Opening Concern 1:1-10 Paul defends his apostleship 1:11 – 2:21 Spiritual blessings based on God’s promises, not works of law 3:1 – 4:31 How one lives if he is “free in Christ” 5:1 – 6:18 APPLICATION SECTION
Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians Lesson 2 – Galatians 1 Salutation vv. 1-5 Paul’s reference re: himself…an opening defense of his apostleship v. 1 Gal 1:15 Rom 1:1a 1 Cor 1:1a Acts 9:15 Paul also mentions those with him v. 2a Acts 19:9-10 Other pertinent N.T. truths listed vv. 1b, 4 This is the extent of Paul’s greeting…he gets right to the point of stating his concern vv. 6-10
Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians Lesson 2 – Galatians 1 Opening Concern vv. 6-10 Paul was “amazed” (marveled) these saints were already “deserting” (turning from) Christ who called them v. 6a The real amazement is it was “…so quickly” Grammatical point – middle voice Point: what does this say about Calvinism’s preservation of salvation? An action one does to himself
Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians Lesson 2 – Galatians 1 Opening Concern vv. 6-10 To depart from Christ is indeed a fatal error that is eternal! Jn 6:68 Acts 4:12 The sad reality was the Galatian saints weren’t leaving Christ for another…there is “no other gospel” v. 7a There really isn’t another “viable option” (equal alternative)
Illustrating “Viable Alternatives” 72 Athens Huntsville 31 Decatur Is one route as good (“viable”) as another?
Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians Lesson 2 – Galatians 1 Opening Concern vv. 6-10 These 5 verses are as strong a section of N.T. text as we can find re: the importance of what the apostles preached Lk 10:16 Jn 20:23 To preach anything else is to “trouble saints” and “pervert truth” v. 7b Acts 15:1, 24 16:4 Even if an apostle or angel preached anything else, it was not to be believed v. 8a Doing so would bring a Divine curse (“Anathema”) vv. 8b-9
Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians Lesson 2 – Galatians 1 Opening Concern vv. 6-10 Thought question: using what Paul argues here, what can we determine re: doctrines the apostles wouldn’t preach? (Book of Mormon, Koran, Watchtower publications, creeds from denominations, etc.) This opening concern also shows Paul wasn’t worried if his tough words pleased the Galatians…his main desire was that God was pleased with him v. 10
Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians REVIEW Additional Information Re: Outline PROPOSITION 1 Paul’s message came from God…it did not come from men 1:11 PROPOSITION 2 Justification is through faith, not law 2:16 PROPOSITION 3 One can’t walk in the Spirit if he doesn’t live by the Spirit 5:1, 16-18
Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians Lesson 2 – Galatians 1 Paul Defends His Apostleship vv. 11-24 1st Proposition v. 11 “My message is from God; it didn’t come from men.” Proof Statements Nobody taught me…Jesus revealed it to me v. 12 Eph 3:2-5 My former lifestyle & conduct vv. 13-14 Acts 7:58 8:1a, 3 9:1-2 22:3-5 1 Tim 1:13
Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians Lesson 2 – Galatians 1 Paul Defends His Apostleship vv. 11-24 1st Proposition v. 11 “My message is from God; it didn’t come from men.” Proof Statements My initial preaching efforts vv. 15-20 Acts 9:20
Paul’s Visits To Jerusalem Converted in Damascus; early work in Arabia… back to Damascus Acts 9 Gal 1:17-18 Visit #1 Ù short visit (15 days) to meet Peter Acts 9:26-28 Gal 1:18-20 (3 yrs. after Damascus & Arabia) Visit #2 Ù benevolence trip with Barnabas Acts 11:27-30 12:25
Paul’s Visits To Jerusalem Visit #3 Ù The Jerusalem Conference Acts 15 Gal 2:1-10 (14 yrs. after 1st short visit) Visit #4 Ù between the 2nd & 3rd journeys Acts 18:22 (not stated…implied) Visit #5 Ù at the end of the 3rd journey… arrest by Jews; appeal to Rome Acts 21:17
Paul’s Epistle To The Galatians Lesson 2 – Galatians 1 Paul Defends His Apostleship vv. 11-24 1st Proposition v. 11 “My message is from God; it didn’t come from men.” Proof Statements My initial preaching efforts vv. 15-20 Acts 9:20 My literal & virtual anonymity vv. 21-24 Acts 9:29-30