Name of presenter Institution Own logos/Project logo (if none delete box) Project XY: Title Name of presenter Institution Kick-off Greek-German Projects „Energy“ Jülich 25.09.2018
Own logos/Project logo (if none delete box) Project XY (Acronym) Own logos/Project logo (if none delete box) Project goals Please describe the main goals of this project. Kick-off Greek-German Projects „Energy“ Jülich 25.09.2018
Own logos/Project logo (if none delete box) Project XY (Acronym) Own logos/Project logo (if none delete box) Project partners Name the partners on the German and Greek side. How will they work together? Kick-off Greek-German Projects „Energy“ Jülich 25.09.2018
Own logos/Project logo (if none delete box) Project XY (Acronym) Own logos/Project logo (if none delete box) Working plan Please describe shortly the most important aspects of the working plan Kick-off Greek-German Projects „Energy“ Jülich 25.09.2018
Own logos/Project logo (if none delete box) Project XY (Acronym) Own logos/Project logo (if none delete box) Status What is the current status? Outlook What is planned next (meetings, publications, design demonstrator, etc.) Kick-off Greek-German Projects „Energy“ Jülich 25.09.2018
Thank you for your attention Own logos/Project logo (if none delete box) Thank you for your attention We would like to thank the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs for funding this project. Kick-off Greek-German Projects „Energy“ Jülich 25.09.2018