Animal Farm by George Orwell A satire of totalitarianism Based on the Russian Revolution of 1917
The last Russian ruler Manor Farm = Old Russia Mr. Jones = Czar Nicholas II (1868-1918)
Animalism All the animals = the Russian people Old Major = V. I. Lenin Leader of the Bolshevik party that seized control in 1917. Inspired by Marx’s theory of communism. Old Major dreams of a world where all animals share in prosperity of the farm.
Karl Marx’s theory of Communism Called for the workers of the world to unite and overthrow the capitalist industrialists. Property, wealth and work should be divided equally among all members of society. Goal is a classless society.
Lenin is responsible for changing Russia into the Soviet Union Lenin is responsible for changing Russia into the Soviet Union. Old Major turns Manor Farm into Animal Farm. USSR’s flag has a hammer and a sickle symbolizing the tools of the workers. The flag of Animal Farm has a horn and hoof.
Snowball = Leon Trotsky 1879 – 1940 Another leader of the Bolshevik Party and Lenin’s right-hand man. An intellectual; had ideas on how to transform Marx’s theories into practice. Trotsky was the leader of the Red Army and was successful in defeating the ”Whites” in the Russian Civil War.
Napoleon = Joseph Stalin (1879 – 1953) Assumed control of the Communist party Through acts of terror and brutality. Napoleon’s dogs are like Stalin’s KGB, his secret police which he used to elimiate all opposition. Propaganda
Squealer = Role of Propaganda To squeal = 1) prolonged shrill; sound like a baby or a pig crying 2) turn informer 3) protest loudly Helps Napoleon to present himself as an idealist working for change. The Windmill reflects Stalin’s 5 Year Plans for revitalizing agriculture and industry. Animals like Boxer, believe in the propaganda (lies). Stalin is one of the world’s most feared and brutal dictators.
Other events and characters The Battle of the Cowshed = the Civil War Frederick = Adolph Hitler who forged an alliance with Stalin in 1939, but who then attacked Russia in 1941. Confessions and executions of animals = Purges and show trials under Stalin The Battle of the Windmill = World War Two The Battle of Stalingrad 1943 where Germany was defeated (Napoleon defeats Frederick) The Card Game = Teheran Conference 1943
For further reflection: What is the role of propaganda in the story? Give examples of it and show how it is used. What kind of political system would Orwell have approved of? In what way does Orwell satirize politicians, the masses (the populace), religion and tyranny? (to satirize = to assail or ridicule assail = make a strong verbal attack