Structural Business Statistics
Structural Business Statistics 1. What are SBS? 2. What can SBS be used for? 3. Links with other statistics 4. Labour productivity measures 5. SBS data in Eurobase
1. What are SBS? Describe the economy through the observation of the enterprises/businesses Limited to the business economy (market activities of Sections B to N + division S95 of NACE Rev.2) Annual; yearly – multi-yearly frequency;absolute figures: no indices
1. What are SBS? Monetary data in current prices Activity based statistics not product statistics Regulation deadlines: Definitive data: t+18 months Preliminary data: t+10 months
1. What are SBS? Main variables: Number of enterprises Turnover Production value Value added at factor cost Total purchases of goods and services Personnel costs Wages and salaries Social security costs Gross investment in tangible goods Number of persons employed Number of employees (+FTE)
1. What are SBS? Main variables: Number of births of enterprises + related employment Number of deaths of enterprises + related employment
1. What are SBS? Main breakdowns NACE (up to 4-digit) Size class of employment Regions (NUTS II level) Products (business services, trade) Residence of client (business services) Controlling countries (inward FATS)
2. What can SBS be used for? provide the policy makers of the Commission with the necessary information for new economic, competition, social, environmental and enterprise policies businesses and their professional associations can use SBS to understand their markets and to compare their activity and performance with those of their competitors at regional, national and international level
2. What can SBS be used for? Analysis of: Structure and evolution of activities of businesses Factors of production and other elements allowing measurement of business activity, performance and competitiveness Regional, national, Community and international development of businesses SMEs To be used as source data for other statistics e.g. national accounts
2. What can SBS be used for?
2. What can SBS be used for?
2. What can SBS be used for?
2. What can SBS be used for?
2. What can SBS be used for? (business demography)
2. What can SBS be used for? (FATS)
2. What can SBS be used for? (business services)
3. Links with other statistics Value added: Also in national accounts Employment: Also from labour force survey Labour costs/personnel costs: Also from labour cost survey Production value: Also in Prodcom (Products in industry) Evolution over time of activities: Also in STS
4. Labour productivity measures available from SBS Apparent labour productivity (dependent on price level): Value added ----------------- person employed Wage adjusted labour productivity (not dependent on price level): Value added / persons employed --------------------------------------------- Wages and salaries/number of employees
4. Labour productivity measures available from SBS Value added per employee FTE (dependent on price level): Value added ---------------------------------------------------------- Number of employees in full-time equivalent Value added per hour worked by employees (dependent on price level) --------------------------------------------- Number of hours worked by employees
4. Labour productivity measures available from SBS
4. Labour productivity measures available from SBS
4. Labour productivity measures available from SBS
4. Labour productivity measures available from SBS Apparent labour productivity, EU27 (in 1000€/person employed) Highest Extraction of natural gas 573 Extraction of crude petroleum 567 Transmission of electricity 296 Trade of electricity 220 Production of electricity 207 Lowest Manufacture of other knitted and crocheted apparel 18 Repair of electrical equipment Manufacture of other outerwear 16 Manufacture of underwear Manufacture of workwear 15
5. SBS data in Eurobase