Electronic Auditing Tool with Geometry Capture Insert installation name
Technology Description Simuwatt™ Energy Auditor is a cloud-based software solution based on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s formal auditing methodology Creates a comprehensive building model based on: Energy simulation data Advanced 3D building geometry capture tools NREL’s OpenStudio whole-building energy software platform Facilitates portfolio-wide tracking, reporting, decision-making, and reuse
How Does It Work Image source: Simuwatt
How Does It Work Continued Image source: Simuwatt
How Does It Work Continued Image source: Simuwatt
How Does It Work Continued Image source: Simuwatt
Benefits of the Technology Helps identify buildings for improvement efforts Can explore a portfolio of buildings Building models can be used for automated fault detection and diagnostics Up to 53% average cost savings compared to traditional DoD audits Payback of less than 1 week
Technology Success Stories Technology has been successfully demonstrated by ESTCP at: Air Force Academy in Colorado Spring, CO Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX Fort Jackson in Columbia, SC Tyndall Air Force Base in Panama City, FL Naval Support Activity Monterey (NSAM) in Monterey, CA
Potential Challenges and Solutions IT Security The software has not completed the DoD IT security process, so the installation would need to pursue this in order to install it on DoD servers. Alternatively, the audit could be conducted by contractors who install the software on their own system. Data Ownership If this audit is conducted by contractors, the contract will need to address the issue of data ownership and control. To achieve the long-term portfolio-wide benefits offered by this software, the installation would need to secure ownership of the collected building data as well as the analysis results. Training Software use requires a few days of training. Any procurement discussion should involve the cost of training auditors.
Sample Financial Considerations From ESTCP Demonstration: Assumptions: Labor cost: $120/hour Simple payback period <1 week based on savings from identified improvements
Bottom Line Pros Cons Helps identify buildings for improvement efforts Cost savings over traditional audits Portfolio-level view Building model reuse Cons Training cost Not yet certified for use of DoD servers Data ownership challenge
Where to Learn more Mr. Tim Tetreault, ESTCP Energy and Water Program Manager, 571- 372-6397 SERDP-ESTCP Website, https://serdp-estcp.org Mr. Matt Suuess, POC at NSAM, 831-656-6263, Matthew.Suess@navy.mil Mr. Dennis Wike, POC at Fort Bliss, 915-568-3278, Dennis.C.Wike.ctr@mail.mil Mr. Tom Hykes, POC at AF Academy, 719-333-9632, Thomas.Hykes.1.ctr@us.af.mil Mr. Jonathan Caldwell, POC and Tyndall, 850-283-9197, Jonathan.Caldwell@tyndall.af.mil Mr. Matt Brown, POC at Simuwatt, 303-862-1078, Matt.Brown@simuwatt.com
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Demonstration Performance Objectives