2nd Qtr. Vocab. Journal Commonly Misspelled Words English 11
2nd Qtr. Vocab. Journal Format Monday – Intro. - 10 weekly words – copy into journal Tuesday – Sentences – do in journal Wednesday – Paragraph – do in journal Thursday – Review – will vary in format – do in journal Friday – Quiz over weekly words (20 pts.) No Quarterly Test due to weekly quizzes I will randomly collect items from above; therefore, be sure your vocab. journal is complete and up-to-date at all times. The goal with this quarter’s journal is to make you appear intelligent (as you are) on cover letters, job applications, resumes, etc.
Monday – Nov. 1st Week 1 Words: Accommodate Business Convenience Efficiency Excellent Generally Guarantee Independence Intelligence Sufficient Because we are not here tomorrow, complete tomorrow’s journal as well. Underneath your list, write one complete sentence using each word from this list.
Wednesday – Nov. 3rd Week 1 Paragraph: Using each word from the list for week 1, write one full paragraph about a topic of your choice. Underline the words within your paragraph. Accommodate Business Convenience Efficiency Excellent Generally Guarantee Independence Intelligence Sufficient
Thursday – Nov. 4th Review for Week 1 / Quiz tomorrow! Find the words that have been spelled incorrectly in the following sentences. Rewrite the sentences, correcting and underlining those words. I guarantee that your business is not being run in a sufficent way. May I accomodate you in helping to decide how to return your business to an excellent rating? Generaly, one must have independance in order to also have intelligence. It would be a convenence to spend some time learning how to bring efficiency back to your busness.
Friday – Nov. 5th Quiz over week 1 words 2 pts. each = 20 pts. Needed: half sheet of paper numbered #1-10. Be sure your name is in the corner.
Wed. Dec. 1st Week 5 Words: Achievement Definitely Knowledge Manageable Maintenance Write one sentence for each word. Underline your weekly words. Write a complete paragraph using each weekly word once. Underline the weekly words as you use them.
Thurs. Dec. 2nd Review for Week 5: Number your paper from #1-10. Choose which word is spelled correctly from the following lists. Write the word correctly next to the corresponding number. Quiz tomorrow! 1. Achievement 2. Definetly 3. Knowledge 4. Managable 5. Maintenance 1. Acheivement 2. Definitely 3. Knowledge 4. Manageable 5. Maintance
Fri. Dec. 3rd Quiz over week 5 words 2 pts. each = 10 pts. Needed: half sheet of paper numbered #1-5. Be sure your name is in the corner.
Wed. Dec. 8th Week 6 words: Necessary Preference Succeed Undoubtedly Valuable Write one sentence for each word. Underline the word in the sentence. Write one full paragraph using each word once. Underline each word as it is used.
Fri. Dec. 10th Quiz over week 6 words 2 pts. each = 10 pts. Needed: half sheet of paper numbered #1-5. Be sure your name is in the corner.
Tues. Dec. 14th Week 7 words: Changeable Fundamental Irrelevant Receive Recommend Write one sentence for each word. Underline each word as you use it.
Wed. Dec. 15th Week 7 words: Changeable Fundamental Irrelevant Receive Recommend Write one full paragraph using each word once. Underline the words as you use them.
Thurs. Dec. 16th Review over week 7 words: Quiz tomorrow! *2 pts. each Practice Quiz – not for a grade Quiz tomorrow! *2 pts. each
Fri. Dec. 17th Week 7 words - Quiz today! 2 pts. each
Tues. Jan. 4th Week 8 Words: Acquire Embarrass Foreign Gauge Hierarchy Minuscule Misspelled Noticeable Questionnaire Separate Underneath your list, write one complete sentence using each word from this list. Underline the words as you use them.
Wed. Jan. 5th Week 8 Words: Acquire Embarrass Foreign Gauge Hierarchy Minuscule Misspelled Noticeable Questionnaire Separate Write a full paragraph using each weekly word once. Underline the words as you use them.
Thurs. Jan. 6th Review over week 8 words: Quiz tomorrow! *2 pts. each Practice Quiz – not for a grade Quiz tomorrow! *2 pts. each
Fri. Jan. 7th Week 8 words - Quiz today! 2 pts. each
Mon. Jan. 10th Week 9 Words: Conceivable Correspondence Government Lieutenant Miscellaneous Realistically Sentence Separation Unforgettable Wednesday
Tues. Jan. 11th Week 9 Words: Conceivable Correspondence Government Lieutenant Miscellaneous Realistically Sentence Separation Unforgettable Wednesday Write one sentence for each of your weekly words. Make sure your sentence is grammatically correct. Turn in when finished.
Thurs. Jan. 13th Week 9 Words: Conceivable Correspondence Government Lieutenant Miscellaneous Realistically Sentence Separation Unforgettable Wednesday Write a full paragraph using each of your weekly words. Make sure your sentences are grammatically correct, and your weekly words are underlined. Quiz over these words tomorrow! 2 pts. each