The Half Moon Betta Fish By Alejandro Castro The Half Moon Betta Fish
Diet A Betta’s diet is bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. But pellets are the best for the Betta because it’s full of all 3 sea foodS and full of minerALs.
1. The fish starts in an egg. 2. Then the fish hatches. 3 1.The fish starts in an egg. 2.Then the fish hatches. 3.Then he grows to a toddler. 4.Grows to a kid. 5.Grows to a Teenager. 6.Finally an adult. Bonus. THEY GET EATEN. Life cycle
Adaptations An adaptation for the betta fish is called a Labyrinth. The labyrinth makes it so that the betta fish gets its Oxygen.
Physical Characteristics A male betta fish looks like an angel from above. An female looks like a ……->
A fish!!!!!!! Dah da ta da
Tidbits!!!! Did you know that the betta fish got its name from Roman warriors? Also betta fish could be any colors. At some weddings they put betta in a vase. They will hurt all kinds of fish, and don't care about gender.
Quiz time!!! Da Da daaaaaaaa So what would the male betta fish do to a female or other male betta fish?________________________
The answer is fight with it!!!!!!!!!!!
Who gave the betta its name?_____________ 2 Who gave the betta its name?_____________
The answer is roman warriors!
What’s the adaption called for the betta?_____________ 3 What’s the adaption called for the betta?_____________
The answer is labyrinth
One last thing that betta like to do
Betta paRty!!!!!!!now playing: what does a betta fish say?
Please hold your applause…. Oh, and this is bob; he likes betta fish Please hold your applause….Oh, and this is bob; he likes betta fish! hope you loveD my slidE show.