Topic : Power To Gas Name : Hiten Chhajed LAS493 : Topics in Sustainability and Energy Name : Hiten Chhajed Topic : Power To Gas
Power to Gas : What? Why? The process Gaps/drawbacks Current and future research Conclusion Feedback/Q&A
Process : Electrolysis Methanation Injection The solution : The problem? Electrolysis Methanation Injection Transmission issues Surplus energy storage The solution : Power To Gas (PtG)
Electrolysis 1) AEL (Alkaline Electrolysis) 2) PEM (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane) 3) SOEC (Solid Oxide Electrolysis)
Methanation Methanation chemical reaction: CO2 + 4 H2 CH4 + 2 H2O -164 kJ/mol CO + 3 H2 CH4 + H2O -206 kJ/mol Types of Methanation Reaction : Biological Catalytic Microorganisms serve as biocatalyst Operating temperature : 40-70 degrees Celsius Operating pressure : 1-10 bars Suitable for small plants Not so flexible Lower Efficiency Nickle based catalyst Operating temperature : 300-600 degrees Celsius Operating pressure : 1-100 bars Suitable for larger plants Very flexible Higher Efficiency
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Difficulties faced : Choice of electrolysis process Hydrogen Storage Low Methanation efficiency Fluctuating power inputs Impurities with CO2 Limits the possible geographic sites due to CO2 sources
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