Location, Place, Connection, Region Pillars of Geography Location, Place, Connection, Region
Location You have to know where something is before you can study it geographically. You can’t know where something is unless you have at least one other piece of spatial information: distance, direction, adjacency (next to) , or enclosure (inside). How many ways can you describe where you are sitting?
Describing Location Landmark Next to the Mosque
Describing Location Topological Between his house and the Mosque
Describing Location Distance Three kilometers from her house
Describing Location Direction Northeast of the river
Describing Location Address Beirut Street Hawalli, Kuwait 13105
Describing Location Global Grid Latitude: lines run east to west Longitude: lines run north to south Like the map grid, these lines allow us to pinpoint locations. Example: 51 degrees east by 143 degrees southeast.
Latitude and Longitude Film
Describing Location Map Grid Sector 3B
Place Refers to a location’s characteristics…those things that make it special. What is around a place? What do people do at the place? Every place is unique…no two places are the same.
Connections Natural Connections Rivers, mountain passes, ocean routes exist without human actions.
Connections Artificial Connections Highways, railroads, canals are created by humans.
Connections Consider the objects in this room All the different kinds of materials come from places all over the world…places that are connected through economic trade.
Regions Places that share similar conditions (the Middle East) religion language geography Sub-region: a place inside a region that shares similar condition.
Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper. What three things do geographers focus on most (geographic perspective)? What is the definition of geography we discussed in class? Describe what you know about “spatial knowledge.” What are the 4 benefits of having spatial knowledge? Explain the purpose of regional geography: Define topical geography: Give 2 examples of thematic maps: This assignment is due before the end of class.