Welcome to Higher Chemistry Miss McQuilken
Unit 1- Chemical Changes and Structure 1.1 - Controlling the Rate of Reaction 1.2 - The Periodic Table: Bonding and Structure 1.3 - Trends in the Periodic Table 1.4 - Bonding in Compounds
Unit 2 – Nature’s Chemistry 2.5 - Alcohols, Carboxylic acids and Esters 2.6 - Fats, Oils and Soaps 2.7 - Proteins 2.8 - The Chemistry of Cooking and Oxidation of Food 2.9 - Fragrances 2.10 - Skin Care
Unit 3 – Chemistry in Soiety 3.11 - Getting the most from reactants: designing an industrial process 3.12 - Calculations from equations 3.13 - Percentage yield and atom economy 3.14 – Equilibria 3.15 – Chemical Energy 3.16 – Oxidising and Reducing Agents 3.17 – Chromatography 3.18 – Volumetric Analysis
Homework You will be given a piece of homework to complete every week. If this is not completed to a reasonable standard you will be asked to do it again. 2 non-returns will result in a letter home 3 “green” awards = 1 homework of your choice off. Underachievement may result in you being removed from the class.
Internal Assessment 3 Unit end of assessment tests – throughout the course 3 A/B tests Outcome 1 investigation Researching Chemistry Unit
Investigation You will be learning the skills of Planning Researching Writing a report in the accepted formats Referencing Evaluating procedures and results
Time keeping and notetaking To save time, you have printed notes. This gives more time in lessons for practical and practice of answering questions. In study time you are expected to make revision notes of your own and NOT JUST DO HOMEWORK!!!!!
External Assessment – Exam! 2.5 hours long 100 marks external exam 20 - MC 80 – restricted and extended response questions Assignment – 20 marks Total marks 120
Organising revision notes You may prefer to Annotate the learning outcomes e.g. write an explanation in your own words for each one Make a mind map Make summary notes
Headings and subheadings Help organise the notes and clarify the main points. Holiday (heading) Travel (subheading) Activities(subheading) Food and drink (subheading)
Revision notes Periodically you will be asked to show your teacher the revision notes you have been making Sometimes the homework will be to make revision notes