Being healthy Being active Drinking well Being hygienic Tooth health


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Presentation transcript:

Being healthy Being active Drinking well Being hygienic Tooth health PowerPoint 154 Being healthy Being active Drinking well Being hygienic Tooth health © Food – a fact of life 2008

Why do we need to be active? © Food – a fact of life 2008

Being active You should be active for at least 60 minutes every day. Are you? Being active means … Active living, e.g. walking, gardening, using the stairs Active recreation, e.g. play, dance, cycling, skateboard Organised sport, e.g. football, netball, running, gymnastics © Food – a fact of life 2008

Why do we need to drink? © Food – a fact of life 2008

Drinking We all need to drink regularly throughout the day for health. We are encouraged to drink around 6-8 glasses of lots of different types of drink, e.g. water, milk and fruit juice. When it is hot, or we are being active, we need to drink more. © Food – a fact of life 2008

Why do we need to be hygienic with food? © Food – a fact of life 2008

Being hygienic Some foods must be washed or cooked before eating, e.g. vegetables and raw meat. We all need to be hygienic when cooking, for example: wash hands wear an apron tie back long hair do not cough or sneeze over food. © Food – a fact of life 2008

Being hygienic Use separate chopping boards for raw and cooked foods. Make sure that the work surface is clean and tidy. Wash your hands after handling raw food, opening the bin or going to the toilet. © Food – a fact of life 2008

Why do we need to look after our teeth? © Food – a fact of life 2008

Looking after your teeth We all need to look after our teeth. We need to brush our teeth twice a day. Sticky foods, or those containing a lot of sugar, should not be eaten too often throughout the day. These foods could be eaten as part of a main meal. © Food – a fact of life 2008

For further information, go to: © Food – a fact of life 2008