Marketing Research
Definition Marketing Research – the systematic design, collection, interpretation and reporting of information to help marketers solve specific marketing problems/take advantage of opportunities
Types of Marketing Research Quantitative research – research aimed at producing statistical data and numerical presentation Qualitative research – data which is too expensive /difficult to quantify such as subjective opinions, value judgements
The Market Research Process (O’Kane) Problem Definition Desk research – Look up exiting research in books, journals, websites Pre- Study Field research – Test to see if correct approach Concept Questionnaire Testing the questionnaire Field Research – Ask the Questions Data Processing Reporting
Techniques for data collection on the field Focus Group (Group Discussion) Questionnaire – by post, person, telephone, email One-to-one interviews
Primary Data cont. Steps in Questionnaire Design: Clear Research Objectives Decide on Question Content Decide on Response Format Decide on question wording Decide on question sequence Decide on physical characteristics Pilot Test and Final Draft
Types of Questions Closed-ended questions- question requiring a yes/no answer Open-ended questions – require a descriptive answer – may offer an opinion or suggestion or give further explanation Multiple Choice questions – Question allows more answers. The individual is give a list of answers to choose from as given in the question
Physical Appearance of questionnaire Make it appear as short as possible Professional Looking Avoid temptation to crowd questions to-gether to make it look shorter Allow plenty of space for open ended questions Directions and instructions should be placed close to the relevant questions Number the questions sequentially Spend time phrasing the questions
Pre test the questionnaire A pre test should always be conducted It should be conducted using the same survey mode as the actual survey No set answer as to how many respondents should be included in the pre-test Code and tabulate the pre-test where possible
Reporting and Research Findings Provide Conclusions Make Recommendations Write for the audience Instil Confidence
Characteristics of Effective Documents Should include all the information the readers need Structured to allow readers to find information easily Writing should be as concise as possible Think about the subject when writing the report Always acknowledge other people’s work
Steps for writing Generate ideas to include in the document Organise the ideas using some initial outline Write a draft Revise the draft as often as needed Comprehension, accuracy, spelling, organisation, style, paraphrasing etc.
Improve Writing Provide Structure Use informative titles and headings Use lists to communicate parallel information Use introduction to indicate what is next Use conclusions to complete discussions
Improve Writing Write Better Paragraphs Begin with clear topic sentence Support the topic sentence logically Emphasise the coherence of the paragraph Keep paragraphs to a manageable length
Improve Writing Write Better Sentences Use the active and passive voices appropriately Use appropriate tense Choose appropriate sentence patterns Use modifying elements effectivel
Improve Writing Choose the right word Choose simple, clear words and phrases Replace fancy words and phrases with plain words and phrases Think about your audience
Creating and Integrating Graphics Make the graphic self-sufficient Determine whether you need the graphics Determine what kind of graphic to use Determine where to put the graphic Tie the graphic to the text
Improving Page Design Leave adequate margins Use appropriate line spacing Use appropriate justification Use easy-to-read fonts Use different members of a single type family Use type size appropriately Use upper and lower case Design titles and headings for emphasis and clarity Design lists for clarity Include page numbers on all pages
Some Tips Know Why you are doing the research Plan it Keep it simple Be careful of sources Build the Blocks Look for the obvious Be confident
Some Useful Websites
Some Useful Websites