Why Da’wa is A Must
Contents : Da’wa Why Whom When How
Why To Make Da’wa?? 1- We are requested to do 2- To Defend Islam Since Prophet Mohamed peace be upon, asked the Muslims to make Da’wa that means it is obligation from Allah Almighty. All western media attach Islam and Muslims should defend Islam by representing the real Islam through their behaviors. Prophet Mohamed peace be upon, Said Muslim’s faith will not being completed till he like to his brothers what he likes for himself.
Why To Make Da’wa?? 3- Muslims Like the best for All 4- To Thank God for His Greatest Gift “Islam” Prophet Mohamed peace be upon, Said Muslim’s faith will not being completed till he like to his brothers what he likes for himself. Let’s Make Da’wa as a practical way for thanking our God.
To whom should we make Da’wa?? 1- All Muslims who you feel that they are in need for changing their behaviors to chare you representing a real Islam. We should start with our families, children and nearest relatives. 2- All Non-Muslims that we see every day in our work place. 3- All Muslims we can contact anywhere through social media or online contacts.
When should we make Da’wa?? All should start immediately: 1- Please all have to apply the real Islam in our daily activities with both Muslims and Non-Muslims. 2- We have to think about attractive way for making Da’wa. 3- Think about to change Non-Muslims view about Islam.
How to make Da’wa?? 1- We should not stop, EIECC program was a start. All have to continue improving our Islamic knowledge as well as language. 2- I think to it better to keep in touch with each other, and I will be preferable in we could start a volunteer work with one of Da’wa offices ”The nearest to you”. 3- From our meeting with the Non-Muslims I could say the main problem make them don’t think about Islam is Muslims’ behaviors and attitudes. So my advice to myself before you is that Islam should be in our daily activates all the time.