Industry Numbering Committee (INC) Report to the NANC Dyan Adams, INC Co-Chair Shaunna Forshee, INC Co-Chair December 9, 2014
Overview About INC INC Meetings/Membership Issue 748: Assess Impacts on Numbering Resources and Numbering Administration with Transition from Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) to Internet Protocol (IP) Issue 783: CO Code Requests from New NPAs
About INC The Industry Numbering Committee (INC) provides an open forum to address and resolve industry-wide issues associated with planning, administration, allocation, assignment and use of North American Numbering Plan (NANP) numbering resources within the NANP area. Membership To become a member of INC or ATIS, see To understand how INC operates, see
INC Meetings Meetings Since the previous NANC meeting, INC held one face-to-face meeting from November 18-20, 2014, and an interim meeting on October 16th.
Issue 748: Assess Impacts on Numbering Resources and Numbering Administration with Transition from Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) to Internet Protocol (IP) INC sent a response to the FCC regarding the impacts of large-scale rate center consolidation during the transition from PSTN to IP. This was reported in September and a copy was sent to NANC members On November 19th, INC received informational presentations on VoIP, IP and SIP interconnection, and caller ID spoofing INC continues to work issues related to the transition to the all-IP network
Issue 783, CO Code Requests from New NPAs Prior to the in-service date of a new NPA code, there is a need to ensure the appropriate supply of thousands-blocks is available in the exhausting area code(s). Historically, code assignments could be made up to 6 months prior to the effective date of the new NPA. Although blocks from these codes may replenish the pool, they are not viable until the effective date of the new NPA. As a result, SPs requiring a block prior to the effective date of the new NPA are unable to obtain a usable block since the criteria for assignment of a code to replenish the pool cannot be met, even though codes are available in the current NPA. To avoid this situation, a modification to the guidelines was made to change the interval when codes can be requested from the new NPA from 6 months to 66 days prior to the effective date of the new NPA unless there are no NXXs available for assignment in the existing NPA. Changing the interval will ensure a supply of thousands-blocks is maintained in an exhausting area code, and thousands-blocks from a new NPA not yet effective do not hamper the ability to replenish the pool with usable thousands-blocks. INC expedited the closure of this Issue to allow the publishing of revised planning letters to avoid this situation in current and upcoming area code relief projects.
ATIS INC Webinar Spotlight on the All-IP Transition: Numbering Impacts December 11th, 1-2 p.m. ET No cost to attend; register here. Second in a series of ATIS webinars on the all-IP transition. The first webinar, “New Wireless Opportunities”, can be found here.
Issues in Initial Pending Issue 768, Updates to the Part 1B form Issue 765, Updates to the Part 1A form Issue 770, Updates to the TBPAG Part 3 Form Issue 772, Update to the TBPAG Appendix 3: MTE & Certification Worksheet
Issues in Final Closure Issue 783, CO Code Requests from New NPAs
Relevant INC Web Pages INC Homepage: INC Issues (historical and active): INC Published Documents: Anyone interested in information on INC or INC documents can contact Jackie Voss, ATIS INC Manager, via email at or (913) 393-0891