Student Achievement Framework: Introduction Eric Hoppstock Director of Learning and Leadership March 01, 2011
Participants will be able to: Compare the guiding principles of SAF to building’s current practice. Summarize the benefits of SAF. Recognize the commitments necessary for SAF.
Our education system has grown up through a process of “Disjointed Incrementalism” (Reynold, 1988)
Unintended Effects Conflicting programs Conflicting funding streams Redundancy Lack of coordination across programs Nonsensical rules about program availability for students Extreme complexity in administration and implementation of the programs
One system for making educational decisions We Need One system for making educational decisions
Student Achievement Framework Capacity for Instruction Capacity for Leadership Capacity for Data Use Student Achievement
Definition of Student Achievement Framework (SAF) Implementing systems and strategies designed to increase the capacity of schools to educate all students and increase student achievement.
The Research Behind SAF Effective Schools Research Nationally = Response to Intervention (RtI) Same concepts organized into a systemic approach Focus on data, instruction, and student outcomes
SAF Is Not: An instructional program Intended to encourage placement of students Possible to implement alone The same for every school A special education, a general education, a Title I, a Talented and Gifted initiative SAF Is: A framework to implement effective practices Matching needs and resources A collaborative effort Uniquely designed for each building An “Every” Education Initiative
Rationale for Student Achievement Framework? We need one process in our schools to make instructional decisions that are: - Efficient - Proactive - Based on early intervention - Used to match resources to needs - Integrated - Focused on student learning
Guiding Principals of SAF We can effectively teach all children. ALL students are part on ONE proactive educational system. Belief that ALL students can learn Use ALL available resources to teach ALL students Proactive approach that uses data early and often to determine student needs and intervene. Reactive approach which intervenes after students have shown a history of failure to meet expectations or when learning “flat lines” due to lack of challenge.
Guiding Principals of SAF Intervene Early Reading research indicates that “windows of opportunity” exist for learning of language/reading concepts Instructional resources wisely used early in process rather than later.
Guiding Principals of SAF 3. Uses scientific, research-based instruction Curriculum and instructional approaches must have a high probability of success for most students. Uses instructional time efficiently and effectively.
Guiding Principals of SAF 4. Uses instructionally relevant assessments Reliable Multiple purposes Screening – Collecting data for the purpose of identifying low and high performing students at-risk for not having their need met Diagnostic – Gathering information from multiple sources to determine why students are not benefiting from instruction Formative – Frequent, ongoing collection of information including both formal and informal data to guide instruction
Guiding Principals of SAF 5. Use a problem-solving method to make decisions based on a continuum of students needs Provides strong core curriculum, instruction, assessment (core cycle) Provides increasing levels of support based on intensity of student needs.
No Fail Model
In The Past General Education Title Support Or Other Supports Special Education Some “Fell” Through
SAF: Full Continuum of Support General Education Title Support Or Other Supports Special Education Interventions
Guiding Principals of SAF 6. Data are used to guide instructional decisions To match curriculum and instruction to assessment data To allocate resources To drive professional development decisions
Guiding Principals of SAF 7. Uses a multi-tiered model of support. Quality professional development supports effective instruction for all students Provides ongoing training and support to assimilate new knowledge and skills Anticipate and be willing to meet the newly emerging needs based on student performance
Guiding Principals of SAF 8. Leadership is vital Strong administrative support to ensure commitment and resources Strong teacher support to share in the common goal of improving instruction through high levels of implementation Building leadership team to build internal capacity and sustainability over time
Capacity for Instruction – The “Big Picture”
SAF Cycles: Core, Strategic, Intensive Curriculum Instruction Assessments Core Strategic Intensive
SAF Cycles Core District Grade Level District Core Grade Level Core
Core Cycle Defined: District Core The Pre-K – 13+ continuum of standards and benchmarks Intended Taught Assessed
Core Cycle Defined: Grade Level Core Standards and benchmarks for a given grade level (within District Core) Intended Taught Assessed Strong enough to ensure that at least 80% of the students meet proficiency with differentiation Generally received by all students at grade level Access to general education curriculum Opportunity to demonstrate mastery of it
Michigan Core Curriculum Michigan Common Core State Standards State-wide effort to improve teaching and learning to ensure that all Michigan students engage in a rigorous and relevant curriculum (math crosswalk) (ELA crosswalk)
Differentiation Through SAF Differentiation is a belief and a process. Teachers embrace and engage in differentiation to enhance students’ learning by improving the match between learners’ unique characteristics and components of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and environment.
SAF Cycles Strategic Core Strategic
Strategic Cycle: Guidelines for Students that are Less than Proficient Is in addition to and aligns with the district core cycle Uses more explicit instruction Provides more intensity (additional modeling and guided feedback; immediacy of feedback) Does NOT replace core Core Strategic
Strategic Cycle Guidelines Must be designed to match identified needs Should always be based on student data Almost always given in small groups Ongoing data determines need to continue, discontinue, or change curriculum, instruction, and/or assessment
For struggling readers, just making progress isn’t good enough Grow at the same rate as everyone else and you are still behind!
When curriculum, instruction, and assessments are working together Average weekly oral reading fluency improvement for 3rd grade 1.1 words per week Student’s weekly oral reading fluency improvement 4.2 words per week
Strategic Cycle: Guidelines for Students that are Highly Proficient Enriches core instruction/content Accelerates core instruction/content Accelerate pace of core Groups within, across and/or outside the classroom Provides greater complexity and abstraction Core Strategic
Students who are Highly Proficient Grade level expectations can create to low a ceiling An “A” can be a barrier, not a reward
SAF Cycles Intensive Intensive
Intensive Cycle Guidelines Must be designed to match identified needs Should always be based on diagnostic student data Provided in small groups or individually Ongoing data determines need to continue, discontinue, or change curriculum, instruction, and/or assessment
Intensive Cycle: Students who are Less than Proficient In addition to and aligns with the district core cycle Uses diagnostic data to more precisely target to student need Smaller instructional groups More instructional time More detailed modeling and demonstration of skill More intensive opportunities for guided practice More opportunities for error correction and feedback
Supplemental vs. Intensive Cycles for Students who are Less than Proficient More in-depth diagnostic assessment Amount of instructional time Length of time presumed to remediate the student’s skill problems Intensity of materials/instruction Frequency of monitoring Group size
When curriculum, instruction, and assessments are working together Average weekly oral reading fluency improvement for 3rd grade 1.1 words per week Student’s weekly oral reading fluency improvement 4.2 words per week
Intensive Cycle for Students who are Highly Proficient Often replaces “grade level” core Advanced levels of curriculum, enrichment/acceleration
Supplemental vs. Intensive Cycles for Students who are Highly Proficient Higher levels of prior knowledge More rapid pace of learning Deeper level of conceptual understanding Greater capacity for complexity and abstraction Greater capacity to make connections within and across disciplines
Cycles in Implementing SAF SAF instructional groups are flexible and frequently changing based on the data. Core Strategic Intensive
Benefits of SAF SAF will help you to: Know immediately, “Is what we are doing working?” Know which students need more/different Know what each student needs Provide structures to deliver what students need Raise student achievement
Eric Hoppstock 269.471.7725 ext. 1342