Psychopathology is caused by social, behavioral, and cognitive factors


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Presentation transcript:

Psychopathology is caused by social, behavioral, and cognitive factors “Demon” Model Medical Model Psychopathology is caused by demons and spirits possessing a person’s mind and body Psychological problems are diseases of the mind (Individuals suffer from illness) Psychological Models Social-Cognivitive-Behavioral Approach Psychopathology is caused by social, behavioral, and cognitive factors Biopsychology of Mental Disorder Psychopathology is affected by the function of the brain and the nervous system

EXAMPLES OF DISORDERS IN THE DSM-IV CLASSIFICATION Type of Disorder Characteristics Examples Mood Disorders Moods are extreme and out of control Major depression Bipolar disorder Anxiety Disorders Abnormal and debilitating fear; Can be comorbid with depression; Symptoms include headache, sweating, muscle spasms, palpitations, and hypertensions Phobic Disorders Panic Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders Somatoform Disorders Physical symptoms (related to psychological factors) that mimic disease or injury for which there is no physical cause Conversion Disorder Hypochondriasis Dissociative Disorders Disruptions of memory, awareness, or identity; Symptoms typically interfere with a person's general functioning Dissociative Amnesia Dissociative Fugue Depersonalization Disorder Dissociative Identity Disorder Schizophrenia Personality disintegrates, emotional life becomes disrupted, and cognitive process is distorted Major Types: Disorganized Catatonic Paranoid Undifferentiated Residual Developmental Disorders Can appear at any age but commonly seen in childhood Autism Dyslexia Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Adjustment Disorders & Other Conditions Mild problems that do not fit under the other categories Mild depression Marital problems Parent-child problems

TOPIC 1 –Conceptualizing Psychological Disorders TOPIC 2 –Classifying Psychological Disorders Psychopathology Schizophrenia Dissociative Identity Disorder Patient with Anxiety Disorder Boy with Autism (symptoms & photos) Statistics of Mental Disorders in the U.S. TOPIC 3 –Consequences of Labeling Asch Experiment