Fassò, N. Nakao, H. Vincke Aug. 2, 2005


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Presentation transcript:

Fassò, N. Nakao, H. Vincke Aug. 2, 2005 SLAC RP current activities in radiation simulation and possible extension to ILC Fassò, N. Nakao, H. Vincke Aug. 2, 2005

Our tools FLUKA and MARS Benchmarking Coupled electromagnetic/hadronic cascade Electric and magnetic fields Complex geometries Energy range keV to 1000 TeV Standard simulation tools for LHC Benchmarking Neutron spectrometry Activation measurements

Current and already planned simulation studies in RP LCLS: shielding PPS stoppers radiation damage to electronics, permanent magnets, diagnostic equipment soil, groundwater and air activation, penetrations, maze design ….. ILC: SC cavity dark current radiation damage positron target, dpa calculations in collaboration with B. Wirth (LBL)

FLUKA modelling of the LCLS undulator Section of the geometry between two segments AUTOCAD view

Longitudinal and vertical distribution of total dose Longitudinal and vertical distribution of total dose. Max = 110 Mrad/day (assuming an electron intensity of 9.16 × 1011 electron/s)

Transversal distribution of dose and neutron flux At neutron flux max At dose max

MARS15 Monte Carlo simulation for LCLS Arrangement of beam line components and magnetic fields in MARS15 Secondary particle shower By beam loss at BYD1 bending magnet 14.1 GeV electrons Bending into the beam dump

Prompt dose distribution in LCLS tunnel by MARS15 14.1GeV 30W beam loss at BYD1-bending magnet Top view Vertical

Residual Dose Rate & Activity around Beam Dump by MARS15 14.1GeV 5kW electron beam Below 1 mrem/h at top concrete Along the beam line Perpendicular to beam line Attenuation of residual dose rate in concrete and iron 1/100 Residual Dose Rate [mSv/h] (30-day operation 1-day cooling 3H (Tritium) & 22Na activities in soil are available from MARS15 simulation results Activity estimation in ground water Bottom side side forward 0.22 0.60 0.19 0.69 Bq/cm3

FLUKA Calculation for LCLS “Two mirror system” Cross-sectional view through the FLUKA geometry. FEE...Front End Enclosure; WBOR…White Beam Optic Room; NEH…Near Experimental Hall.

LCLS – “Two mirror system” - cont’d Total effective dose rate in mrem/h

Estimate of induced radioactivity around the FFTB dump

Residual radioactivity around the FFTB dump after 180 days of operation (28.5 GeV electrons on dump, 2kW)

Previous calculations performed for NLC by RP/SLAC Dose to Electronics in the NLC Beam Tunnel RP Note 99–15 Soil & Groundwater Activation around the Beam Delivery System Tunnel RP Note 00-04 Evaluation of Radiological Consequences from Air Activation at NLC BDS Tunnel RP Note 00-05 Radiation Damage to Electronics Installed in Niches of the NLC Beam Tunnel RP Note 00–06

RADIATION DAMAGE TO ELECTRONICS IN THE BEAM TUNNEL OF THE NEXT LINEAR COLLIDER1 - Non-radiation-hard electronics could be severely damaged unless sufficiently shielded against radiation. - Proposal: Niches in the beam tunnel wall which are shielded by layers of polyethylene. 1 SLAC-PUB-8490

ILC: Possibilities for the next calculations Soil, air and groundwater activation Machine component activation Detector Background Shielding (personnel, environment, equipment) Dumps, collimators SC Quenching dose rates in occupied areas Anything else ?