LAND POLICY INITIATIVE 2017 The Conference on Land Policy in Africa 14-17 November, 2017 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 1 1
LPI/ALPC Vision, Mission and Goal A peaceful and prosperous Africa realized through equitable access, efficient and sustainable utilization of land MISSION To ensure all land users have equitable access to Land and security of all bundles of land rights, by facilitating effective partnerships, dialogue and capacity building for participatory and consultative land policy formulation and implementation, and efficient and transparent land administration in both customary and statutory jurisdictions GOAL To assist member states in the implementation of the AU Declaration on land issues and challenges in Africa in accordance with the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa in order to achieve socio-economic development, peace and security, and environmental sustainability
Conference on Land Policy: Rationale Land is central to development in Africa Growing momentum on land policy research, development and implementation in region A lot of land administration interventions and innovation that need documentation and dissemination What is required is a continental event to: Present, and shape research activities on land policy in Africa Complement existing land policy learning events by: Expanding opportunities for participation by African practitioners Nuancing global discussion to meet the specific needs of the African land policy community
Conference on Land Policy in Africa What A policy and learning event to promote evidence based land policy making and implementation Why To deepen capacity for land policy in Africa through improved access to knowledge and information How By sharing and generating interest in new evidence; showcasing emerging and promising practices and facilitating networking
Specific Objectives Address strategic land issues in line with theme of the Conference Provide space for informed policy dialogue among different stakeholder groups Create a platform for shared learning across a wide range of stakeholders Raise the profile of and advocate for key areas of LPI work in land policy Mobilize resources for key areas of work in land policy
Expected Outcomes Improved awareness of the AU Declaration on Land, F &G, GPs on LSLBI, VGGT, other regional/global commitments and tools Delivery against components of ALPC strategic plan Land policy issues in Africa highlighted Strengthened capacity of stakeholders to: address policy issues related to selected themes host a world class regional learning event coordinate associated scientific processes (vetting, review and approval of abstracts and papers) Stronger networking
Approach Biennial Conference - Conference plenaries - Side events - Panels - Exhibitions - Social media platforms Inputs - Draft papers - Exhibition concepts - Gray material Outputs - Conference report - Conference Papers - Journal articles Contributors LPI /ALPC NELGA Partners – e.g. GIZ, IFAD, FAO, Landesa, IFPRI, Scientific Committee/ Editorial Committee Contributors Governments RECs and AU organs Academia CSO & women groups UN agencies Media Private sector Farmer groups Contributors LPI/ALPC and NELGA Scientific Committee / Editorial Committee
Date: 14- 17 November 2017 in Addis Ababa Theme: “The Africa We Want: Achieving socioeconomic transformation through inclusive and equitable access to land by the youth.” Aligned with AU designation of 2017 as Africa’s year of youth as agents for socioeconomic transformation: “Harnessing Africa’s Demographic Dividend through Investment in youth” Africa –most youthful continent -- 65% of persons between the productive and employable ages of 15 to 35 years Enhancing equitable access to land by the youth will contribute towards realization of the “Africa We Want” as envisioned in Agenda 2063 .
Empowerment of women through strengthening the land rights; Technology and innovation for securing customary-based land rights for African communities; Transparent and sustainable land based investments Land Administration –Strengthening land administration institutions at national levels Migration, radicalization and violent extremism – linkages to youth employment and access to land for investment
Conference Theme and Sub-themes The Africa We Want: Achieving socioeconomic transformation through inclusive and equitable access to land by the youth Youth, gender, water/NRs Inclusive agricultural growth (Transparent and sustainable land based investments - CAADP - LSLBI Migration, radicalization and violent extremism – linkages to youth employment and access to land for investment Empowerment of women through strengthening the land rights Addressing persistent bottlenecks Securing land rights under different tenure regimes (Technology and innovation for securing customary-based land rights for African communities) Land policy development and implementation – Experiences and emerging good practices Land administration (Strengthening land administration institutions at national levels) Experiences and emerging good practices Youth and land Land Administration
Anticipated Outputs Conference papers Database of gray material Policy briefs Press releases Web articles Social media contributions Proceedings of the Conference Published journal articles
Call for Abstracts Papers and other forms of participation Selection to be based on: Quality of Content Originality & Innovation Compliance with identified Conference themes Preference will be for African and African-based authors/presenters Geographic coverage Deadline – Early July
A number of innovative projects capable of being presented at the Conference Transversal to support in preparing Abstracts? Negotiate for a session?
Wednesday 08 November – Friday 10 November 2017 Proposal: Back to back with the Conference on Land Policy in Africa Preferably to be held before the Conference Proposed date: Wednesday 08 November – Friday 10 November 2017 Monday 13 November – Field visit to Ethiopia Projects? (S2RAI; LIFT, LAND, REILA)
Thank you for your attention LAND POLICY INITIATIVE Thank you for your attention