th th voiced (digraph) th unvoiced (digraph) the as in breathe(digraph)
thermal thankful theory Word Lists R 1 2 3 4 5 6 thin think thong thing thick thrill thirsty thought threw thumb thigh bathtub toothache toothbrushtoothpaste thirst theatre therapy healthy thoughtful thousand thunder bathmat truthful teeth thermometer thimble thunderstorm authentic breathe bathe feather weather leather sun bathe thermal thankful theory sleuth thirteen thirty fourth myth bothersome withdraw theologian pathetic sympathy brotherly thyroid weatherman weatherproof empathy thumbtack amphitheatre anaesthesia authenticity thermodynamic thermite unclothe theorist thermionic thiazine thunderous
3 thermometer bathe thimble feather weather authentic leather breathe thunderstorm weather authentic leather breathe sun bathe
4 thermal thirty thankful fourth theory myth sleuth bothersome thirteen withdraw
thermometer bathe feather Handwriting 12/8/15 th th th th th thermometer bathe feather The magpie had a black ____. 2. I like to _____ in a spa. 3. The _____ showed it was hot.
thirty withdraw sleuth Handwriting 12/8/15 th th th th th thirty withdraw sleuth I will be rich when I am____. 2. A _____ is a detective. 3. He had to_____from the game. .
an instrument used for measuring temperature thermometer say spell THERMOMETER an instrument used for measuring temperature th-er-m-o-m-e-t-er = 8 ther/mom/e/ter = 4 sounds syltables
a small cap used to protect the finger when sewing thimble say spell THIMBLE a small cap used to protect the finger when sewing th-i-m-b-le = 5 thim/ble = 2 sounds syllables
thunderstorm THUNDERSTORM th-u-n-d-er-s-t-or-m = 9 thun/der/storm =3 say spell THUNDERSTORM a storm with thunder, lightning and heavy rain th-u-n-d-er-s-t-or-m = 9 thun/der/storm =3 sounds syllables
an original document or item authentic say spell AUTHENTIC an original document or item au-th-e-n-t-i-c = 7 au/then/tic = 3 sounds syllables
to inhale and exhale air from the lungs breathe say spell BREATHE to inhale and exhale air from the lungs b-r-ea-the = 4 breathe= 1 sounds syllables
to wash one’s body in water bathe say spell BATHE to wash one’s body in water b-a-the = 3 bathe= 1 sounds syllables
a flat and soft quill that grows on a bird feather say spell FEATHER a flat and soft quill that grows on a bird f-ea-th-er = 4 feath/er= 2 sounds syllables
conditions outside in regards to heat, cloudiness, wind and rain weather say spell WEATHER conditions outside in regards to heat, cloudiness, wind and rain w-ea-th-er = 4 weath/er= 2 sounds syllables
material made from the skin of an animal leather say spell LEATHER material made from the skin of an animal l-ea-th-er = 4 leath/er= 2 sounds syllables
sun bathe SUN BATHE s-u-n b-a-the = 6 say spell sounds syllables to sit or lie in the sun s-u-n b-a-the = 6 sun bathe =2 sounds syllables
an upward current of warm air thermal say spell THERMAL an upward current of warm air th-er-m-a-l = 5 ther/mal =2 sounds syllables
showing gratitude or relief thankful say spell THANKFUL showing gratitude or relief th-a-n-k-f-u-l = 7 thank/ful =2 sounds syllables
an idea to explain something theory say spell THEORY an idea to explain something th-e-or-y= 4 the/o/ry = 3 sounds syllables
sleuth SLEUTH s-l-eu-th = 4 say spell sounds syllables a detective
thirteen THIRTEEN th-ir-t-ee-n = 5 say spell sounds syllables same as six plus seven th-ir-t-ee-n = 5 thir/teen = 2 sounds syllables
thirty THIRTY th-ir-t-y = 4 say spell sounds syllables ten less than forty th-ir-t-y = 4 thir/ty = 2 sounds syllables
the ordinal number for four fourth say spell FOURTH the ordinal number for four f-our-th = 3 fourth = 1 sounds syllables
myth MYTH m-y-th = 3 say spell sounds syllables a traditional story
bothersome BOTHERSOME b-o-th-er-s-o-me = 7 say spell sounds syllables to be annoying b-o-th-er-s-o-me = 7 both/er/some = 3 sounds syllables
withdraw WITHDRAW w-i-th-d-r-aw = 6 say spell sounds syllables to remove or take away w-i-th-d-r-aw = 6 with/draw= 2 sounds syllables
3 a small cap used to protect the finger when sewing an original document or item to inhale and exhale air from the lungs a flat and soft quill that grows on a bird conditions outside in regard to heat, cloudiness and rain material made from the skin of an animal to wash one’s body in water a storm with thunder, lightning and heavy rain an instrument used for measuring temperature to sit or lie in the sun
4 an idea to explain something a detective same as six plus seven ten less than forty a traditional story to be annoying to remove or take away the ordinal number for four showing gratitude or relief an upward current of warm air