April 27, 2017 Hosted by ESCO Corporation NWHPEC Board Meeting April 27, 2017 Hosted by ESCO Corporation In Attendance: Rick Alvarado, Jennifer Ayers, Richard Carroll, Mike Funke, Dale Gehring, Steve Richardson, Alex Thomason, Frank Twardoch, Julie Simmons Financial Update (Mike): Dan Miller expense is 50% paid. Receiving payments for this series. The Board discussed and approved the idea of moving to an Alaska credit card to take advantage of the travel perks accrued, as well as moving to a higher limit card. Julie will obtain a small business application and work with Mike to complete it Old Business: One Pager Doc: Julie is planning to work with Jeff Cameron re the one pager doc in May. Vance Collver will also be part of the team. Kata Blog from David Rau: David has agreed to write a blog article about how he’s applying the Kata to the Sandy Community. New Business: 990Q Compensated and Non-Compensated Forms: The Board completed these tax forms and Julie will send them to Perkins. Member Feedback: The Board reviewed and discussed the feedback collected from the April 19th Member Feedback session hosted by Biamp. The Board agreed a special four – six hour focused session is needed to dive deeper into this feedback and identify countermeasures. Julie will send out a calendar invite for June 6th, after the Col. Athens session. Mike will locate and book a conference room at ESCO’s offices at Montgomery Park. Julie has the action item to create a spreadsheet to help the Board see how the membership falls in context to each other. Julie will work with Richard on this spreadsheet. Dale suggested the Board contact a portion of the membership who wasn’t present at the Member Feedback session to ensure the feedback collected is in line with the full memberships’ needs. Dale also has the action item to identify if anyone is doing work similar to David Mann’s Lean Management System. Membership Dues Discussion: Mike reviewed the current state of the membership dues that has been in place for the past eight years. Our fixed costs are increasing. The Board discussed needing a clear values proposition to be shared with the membership should we increase membership dues. Mike has the action to show our fixed cost history and projection out five years. Event Updates (Julie): Learning Tours: Four scheduled for the year with low chance of adding more host companies. Goal is 12, with a Plan of 8 events. The Board discussed this gap. We have high demand to attend Learning Tours, but low demand to host Learning Tours. There are several reported barriers to host Learning Tours. The Board decided to create a sub-team consisting of Rick, Jennifer, and Julie to start to understand the barriers. Julie has the action item to ask former hosts, who are no longer hosting, why they aren’t hosting again. Training Classes: The IK/CK class held at Toyo Tanso was successful with a full class and good revenue. No other classes are currently planned. Executive Forum’s: Dan Miller, LHE is going well. We currently have Mike Hoseus planned for June 20th – 22nd with no topic identified yet. Dale suggested asking Mike for a list of offerings to review to identify if there is a gap he call fill. The Board will also identify if we need to ask Mike to push out the date. Julie has the action to contact Mike for the list of offerings and flexibility on date. Leadership Sessions: Col. Arthur Athens is scheduled for June 6th. He will be speaking on the topic of “What’s Love Got To Do With It.” Shaun is starting work on the promo video and Julie has a phone call scheduled with him for May 3rd. Dale and Rick agreed to be interviewed and shown on the promo video. Next Board Meeting: May 25, 2017 via telecom Noon – 2pm Dial: (646) 632-1000 Conf. ID: 3855041962#