Island of the Blue Dolphins Chapter 6-10
scan look at all parts of (something) carefully in order to detect some feature.
spring move or jump suddenly or rapidly upward or forward.
flee run away from a place or situation of danger.
fiber a thread or filament from which a vegetable tissue, mineral substance, or textile is formed.
stern serious and unrelenting, especially in the assertion of authority and exercise of discipline.
pitched throw
snarl make an aggressive growl with bared teeth.
thrust a sudden or violent lunge push
uneasy causing or feeling anxiety; troubled or uncomfortable.
current belonging to the present time a body of water or air moving in a definite direction, especially through a surrounding body of water or air in which there is less movement.
shrouded cover or envelop so as to conceal from view.
ponder think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.
stout somewhat fat or of heavy build
dune a mound or ridge of sand or other loose sediment formed by the wind, especially on the sea coast or in a desert.
vain having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance, abilities, or worth.
scurrying move hurriedly with short quick steps
lair a wild animal's resting place, especially one that is well hidden
mussel any of a number of bivalve mollusks with a brown or purplish-black shell
headland a narrow piece of land that projects from a coastline into the sea.
stunted prevent from growing or developing properly.