Scholars Academy and IB Diploma Program Your Home at Miami Beach Senior High
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Clubs and Activities Scuba Club AOHT IB Environmental Protection Psychology NHS-EHS-MAT- Robotics This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Class Trips We Give You the World
Club Activities
Europe Spring Break Scholars IB
Your Chaperones Paris
Scholars Academy Students begin college level, Advanced Placement (AP) coursework in grade 9 with options increasing each year. We also offer DE classes on campus and at Miami Dade Or FIU starting NINTH GRADE. Students may apply for the IB Diploma Program for grades 11-12, or continue with AP and advanced classes. WE OFFER IB PORTUGUESE. Students must maintain an “unweighted” GPA of 3.0 in the academic core courses of Mathematics, Science, Language Arts and Social Studies. Europe Trip Every Spring Break Scuba Certification Internships through AOHT at Loews, Shelborne, LCLThe Government Center
REQUIRMENTS FOR SCHOLARS ACADEMY MUST HAVE A 3.0 MUST HAVE COMPLETED ALGEBRA I MUST HAVE COMPLETED PHYSICAL SCIENCE Application process opens November first until January 8 2018 REQUIRMENTS MUST BE COMPLETE BY July 21st 2018. Final FLVS Grade must be submitted to Scholars Academy Office by deadline if taking online.
Required Classes Students will take one required AP class in ninth grade. Two required AP classes in tenth grade. Three required AP classes in eleventh and twelfth grade. See Flow Chart.
AP Scholars Diploma Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior Honors English 1 AP English Language AP English Literature English 4 Dual enrollment AP World History AP European History AP US History AP Gov. and H Economics Honors Biology or Honors Chemistry Honors Chemistry or Honors Physics or AP Biology or AP Chemistry H Physics AP Physics AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental Spanish 1 or higher or Portuguese 1 or higher or French 1 or higher Italian I or higher Spanish 2 or higher or Portuguese 2 or higher or French 2 or higher Italian level 2 or higher AP Spanish Language AP French Spanish/French/Portuguese or Italian level 3 or higher Spanish French Portuguese or Italian Level 4 or AP Honors Geometry or Honors Algebra 2 Honors Algebra 2 or Pre Calculus H Pre-Calculus (minimum required for program) Honors Prob and Stats H Calculus/Dual Enrollment AP Statistics H Pre- Calc. H Calc/Dual Enrollment AP Calculus AB or BC AP Stats H Prob and Stats Adv. Topics in Math Pre-IB Inquiry Skills Elective 3 Required AP classes and electives in Arts, Debate, Journalism, AP Human Geo, AP Art History, AP Psychology 3 Required AP Classes Electives in Arts, Debate, Journalism, technology or Leadership and Internships Available. Personal Fitness/ Health Honors Psychology must be taken previously to AP Psych.
Questions?? Subject selection forms will be given at the Dade County Public Schools by our counselors during subject selection which started this week Once you receive your acceptance letter, you will receive any further directions on how to proceed. If you come from a private school, wait to receive your acceptance letter and email me for an appointment to pick your classes.
Thanks for your continued support! Contact the Scholars Office or email us individually with questions… (Counselor)