NRAO Green Bank Policies for RFI Management. Different Policies Apply in 5 Different Zones Zone 5: National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ) Zone 4: 10-Mile Radius.


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Presentation transcript:

NRAO Green Bank Policies for RFI Management

Different Policies Apply in 5 Different Zones Zone 5: National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ) Zone 4: 10-Mile Radius Radio Astronomy Zone Zone 3: 2-Mile Radius Radio Astronomy Zone Zone 2: Observatory Building Zone (Housing, Laboratory, Shop, Dormitories, Cafeteria, Visitor Center) Zone 1: Radio Astronomy Instrument Zone (ground zero a.k.a. everything beyond the gate)

Zone 5: The National Radio Quiet Zone Established by an act of congress in 1958 Approx. 13,000 sq. mile area Requires coordination for all permanent, fixed, licensed transmitters Administered through NRAO Green Bank for the mutual benefit of NRAO and the Sugar Grove Facility

Zones 3 & 4: WV Radio Astronomy Zoning Act Established through §37A-1- 2 of the West Virginia Code The Radio Astronomy Zoning Act Applies to any electrical equipment that causes harmful interference to Radio Astronomical Observations Increasingly difficult and complex problem due to the proliferation of wireless technologies Our Strategy: –Problem-driven component: we will seek enforcement only as a last resort, if friendly requests repeatedly fail. –Proactive component: We solicit voluntary cooperation: PR campaign is in the works, other efforts in the planning stage.

Zones 1 & 2: On-Site RFI Policy IPG Develops Policy; Site Director has final authority ITU-R RA.769 Limit applies

Zone 1: Radio Astronomy Instrument Zone Intentional Radiators: ESSENTIAL for operation only; comprehensive list maintained by IPG Unintentional radiators: –Installed Equipment Must comply with ITU-R RA.769 limits –Uninstalled Equipment Portable Test/Maintenance Equipment –May not be left operating unattended, or it will be considered installed Automobiles: Diesel vehicles ONLY with the following approved exceptions: –Handicapped tourist access At risk of stating the obvious: In Zone 1, ALL equipment is subject to the same restrictions, whether it belongs to Visiting Scientists, Summer Students, Educational Groups, or the Permanent Staff of the Green Bank Site.

Zone 2: Observatory Building Zone Housing, Laboratory, Shop, Dormitories, Cafeteria, Visitor Center Intentional Radiators: –Essential for operation only; comprehensive list maintained by IPG –Licensed services coordinated with NRQZ office –No other intentional radiators (WIFI, Cordless Phones, Wireless Speakers, etc.) Unintentional radiators: –High-Risk Equipment (is it worse than the average PC?) –Equipment that runs continuously and exceeds ITU-R RA.769 –Equipment that exceeds ITU-R RA.769 by typical PC levels (30dB at the location of the Jansky lab) but is powered down when not in use.

Concluding Remarks/Requests We are a Radio Astronomy Observatory. The RFI group does not have the resources to accomplish these goals without your cooperation. Please think about what this policy might mean for you; if you are unsure, please ask.