Mrs. Edwards & Mrs. Hester 5th Grade Newsletter November 12, 2018 Mrs. Edwards & Mrs. Hester 5th Grade Newsletter kedwards@effingham, Upcoming Dates Nov. 15- 5th Field Trip to Savannah Theatre Nov. 16- 4-H Demonstrations, PTSO Birthdays Nov. 19-23-Thanksgiving Holidays Nov. 27- Fall Photo retakes Nov. 29- PTSO at 7:00 pm-2nd/3rd performing Nov. 30- PBIS “Extra Recess Dec. 3-7- Santa Shoppe in Old School Dec. 10- Chorus will perform at 10-10:30 at Savannah Airport Dec. 13- 7:00 Christmas Concert/Caroling at Old School Dec. 14- PTSO Birthdays Dec. 19- PBIS Inflatables, Christmas Parties Dec. 20- Jan. 1- Christmas Holidays Tests and Quizzes Math-Unit 4A-Dec. 5 Science-Unit 3-Dec. 12 Social Studies- Unit 4-Dec. 14 Word Study- Unit 19-Dec. 7 Reading- Unit 2 LAUA Dec. 11 Word Study We will not begin another Root Unit until we come back from Thanksgiving Holidays. How do I write a NON-FICTION summary? Find the MAIN IDEA and at least 2 SUPPORTING DETAILS for the information you have read. How do I write a FICTION summary? Answer the questions: Who? Wanted? What? But? So? Then? Make sure your child is reading EVERY NIGHT! Reading Logs are due each FRIDAY!! WAX MUSEUM PROJECT DEADLINES Monday 11/26/18- Choose the name of person who student will research Tuesday 12/4/18 Research outline due (at school) Friday 12/7/18 –Research paper due (at school) Tuesday 12/11/18 –Tri-board or poster display due (complete at home) Tuesday 12/11/18 - Present Research projects shared (at school) Tuesday 12/18/18 –Wax Museum (more info later) Please look for a letter with more information soon! We Are Learning About… Math- Equivalent Fractions, Fractions in Simplest Form, Adding Fractions Science-Constructive & Destructive Forces and Human Intervention Reading-Comparing Point of View of the same event Novel- Number the Stars Grammar and Writing-Informational Writing, Reference Materials (Dictionary/Thesaurus) Social Studies-Leaders and Important Events of WWII If you have not already done so, please send in permission form and money ($7.25) for our Field Trip on Nov. 15th. If you signed up to do a 4-H Demonstration, start working on your project now. Our next 4-H date is Nov. 16th. Specials Schedule for the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday E-Music E-Art E-Technology Field Trip E-PE H-Media H-PE H-Art Field Trip H-PE Book Fair Hester Homeroom-Mon. 11/12