Research on UTeach: Past, Present, and Future Research Annual UTeach Conference 2018 American Institutes for Research (AIR) CSUteach Cleveland State University
MEETING Goal and objectives GOAL: Form strategic relationships across the UTeach community Disseminate the UTeach model, prior research, and lessons learned Prioritize research topics and questions for future research Engage in multi-disciplinary, cross-university, cross-sector collaborations 1 2 3
Preparing STEM Teachers: A Replication Model Joanne Goodell, Professor and Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence, Cleveland State University
Section 1 UTeach model and curriculum Replication and implementation: Lessons learned Program sustainability, student recruitment and retention: Lessons learned Partnering and collaboration with K-12 schools and community building STEM education and dynamics in urban/rural schools
Section 2 UTeach course overview Integrating inquiry-based learning, project-based instruction Field experiences and implementation, student observation protocols Partner schools experiences Innovative practices and technology integration into teaching Assessments and evaluation: in and out of the classroom Experiences and perspectives of alumni Teacher candidates’ beliefs and practices
Section 3 Bridging the gap between theory and practice Development of the UTOP Impact of early field experiences on attrition before completion Teacher turnover of UTeach graduates UTeach teacher effectiveness UTeach Computer Science UTeach Engineering
Book Sections 1. The UTeach Model and Elements of Success 2. Innovative Instructional Programming 3. Research and Future Directions
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UTeach Research Agenda Melissa Dodson, Principal Researcher, American Institutes for Research
Background and purpose Create strategic relationships within the UTeach community to conduct research on important topics Co-Director Summit (Fall, 2017) NMSI research interests (January, 2018 and on-going) USEA Board Meeting (February, 2018) UTeach Conference to discuss approaches to developing a collaborative research agenda and form subcommittees (today)
Strategic Relationships Collaborative Co-created, customized, trusting, respectful, safe Mutually beneficial, equitable Common goals Shared measurement Mutually reinforcing activities Broad impact and dissemination Long-term Evolving
Possible roles Possible UTeach roles Possible AIR roles Program design and development (R&D, continuous improvement) Program implementation Collective impact working groups Network Improvement Community (NIC) LEA, SEA, IHE, community partnerships Advisory Boards membership Possible AIR roles External evaluator Prime or lead of research Backbone to collective impact Network Improvement Community (NIC) facilitation Technical Working Group (TWG) membership
Agenda Setting Process Bring together diverse set of partners Identify research topics Vote on which are most important Generate research questions Data inventory and gap analysis Timeline Possible funding sources Living document to revisit and updated annually (Based on Regional Education Laboratory Southwest/Midwest researcher/practitioner model)
Examples: Research Agenda REL Southwest Texas Hispanic STEM Research Alliance Research Agenda REL Midwest Video on developing a collaborative research agenda
Research Topics Work with your group for 5 minutes to list research topics that are important to you. Categorize them into larger topics Report out
AIR Resources Research expertise (content, design, methods, analyses, reporting) Proposal development organizational support Research digests Facilitation of collaborative research agenda setting Cross-UTeach site partnerships Co-Directors, faculty, master teachers, graduate students Cross-sector partnerships Districts, state departments, business and industry, foundations, etc.
Next STEPs Participate in research agenda process Webinar (1 full day), 2-3 follow-up conference calls (1 hour each) Email exchanges and reviews of drafts Share draft agenda to the broad community and seek feedback Identify proposal opportunities and write proposals Present annually at the UTeach conference and revise
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CONTACT US Joanne Goodell Melissa Dodson If you would like to sign up to participate in writing sections of the manuscript or developing the research agenda please email us: Joanne Goodell Melissa Dodson