Learning from the Past Competitor feedback from WMOC 2016 - Estonia David May February 2018 HLES - Riga
Survey statistics All competitors contacted by email to take part 397 replies (11% response) 31 countries represented All age classes up to and including M85 and W75 represented Selection of questions analysed in following slides February 2018 HLES - Riga
The two Sprint races gave a suitable technical challenge for me. 2014 (BRA) 2015 (SWE) 2016 (EST) strongly agree 15% 9% 5% 17% agree 55% 44% 27% 51% neutral 20% 24% 26% 19% disagree 8% 16% 31% 11% strongly disagree 2% 4% 1% Comment: Good satisfaction with the Sprint quality this year after a dip in 2015. However, free response comments indicate that the Qualifier was found to be too easy by some. Conclusion: the higher the technical challenge, the better! February 2018 HLES - Riga
The three Long races gave a suitable technical challenge for me. 2014 (BRA) 2015 (SWE) 2016 (EST) strongly agree 23% 12% 41% 24% agree 54% 43% 47% 53% neutral 15% 7% disagree 6% 4% strongly disagree 2% 1% Comment: Technical Swedish terrain appreciated the most.. February 2018 HLES - Riga
The three Long races gave a suitable physical challenge for me. 2014 (BRA) 2015 (SWE) 2016 (EST) strongly agree 43% 20% 38% 27% agree 36% 57% 49% 55% neutral 7% 13% 8% 12% disagree 9% 4% 5% strongly disagree 0% 2% 1% Comment: very little dissatisfaction with physical difficulty of courses. WMOC Organisers have been good at following IOF criteria February 2018 HLES - Riga
The Middle race should be introduced by … SQ/SF; rest; forest Q/MF; rest; LF (5 competition days out of 7) SQ/SF; MQ/MF; LQ/LF plus 1 rest day (6 competition days out of 7) Model 1 Model 2 strongly agree 17% 10% agree 33% 25% neutral 24% disagree 26% strongly disagree 8% 15% 50% 35% 25% 41% Comment: 35% for the tougher model 2 as opposed to 41% against 50% for the single Q model 1 as opposed to 25% against Model 1 recommended by FOC and approved by Council February 2018 HLES - Riga
Long Final Qualification should be by … Single Qualifier determines both Middle and Long Finals Based on MF results with fixed quota promotion/relegation scheme Single Qualifier determines 75% of LF places with remaining 25% based on min/km MF speeds Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 strongly agree 5% 11% 21% agree 13% 31% 33% neutral 22% 23% disagree 29% 17% strongly disagree 10% Comment: majority support for Model 3 (54%), with minority support for Model 2 (42%) Model 3 recommended by FOC but Council approved Model 2 instead … February 2018 HLES - Riga
My journeys using Organiser transport to/from the events were easy to complete 2016 (EST) strongly agree 12% agree 32% neutral 37% disagree 13% strongly disagree 6% Comment: mixed views on the organiser-provided transport. Free response comments suggest that it worked well for some but that others had poor experiences. February 2018 HLES - Riga
I usually bring my own food rather than buying from the caterers in the arena 2016 (EST) strongly agree 5% agree 20% neutral 34% disagree 28% strongly disagree 13% Comment: about a quarter of competitors rely on buying food in the arena. (Respondents were asked to assume catering was of good quality and of reasonable cost) February 2018 HLES - Riga
The type of accommodation at WMOC I would usually try to book is 2016 (EST) 4/5 star hotel 18% 3 star hotel 39% 1/2 star hotel 4% self-catered accommodation 32% low cost accommodation alternative with an o-camp for tents and/or caravans Floor space in e.g. a Sports Hall 0% Other 3% February 2018 HLES - Riga
Free response competitor feedback from 2005 onwards February 2018 HLES - Riga
Free response comments From surveys of WMOC competitors in 2005 (Canada) 2008 (Portugal) 2009 (Australia) 2010 (Switzerland) 2011 (Hungary) 2013 (Italy) 2014 (Brazil) All published in document “Learning from the Past” February 2018 HLES - Riga
Common themes Accompanying people Arenas Banquet etc Traffic/Parking/Transport Accommodation Information Ceremonies Older competitors Other February 2018 HLES - Riga
Accompanying people (mostly about public races ...) Two mandatory principles: Where there is any conflict between the public races and the WMOC, the WMOC shall take priority No public race on the WMOC Long Final day NB Competitors in the public races CAN be in WMOC competition terrain at the same time as WMOC competitors (EST 2016) Separate Finish needed and separate Start lanes too February 2018 HLES - Riga
Accompanying People - Problems Bad organisation Lack of information Long waits for families Different venues sometimes used Poor standard of courses February 2018 HLES - Riga
Discussion How much responsibility does/should SEA have? Is it possible to have public races genuinely in parallel with WMOC races? Who should organise the public races? How important are the public races? February 2018 HLES - Riga
Arenas - Problems No showers (some years) Insufficient toilets (2009 only) Finish not in arena (2010 only) Poor catering, especially for vegetarians Insufficient shade/shelter Disorganised map reclaim Hard to see printed results (too small/crowded) Music/commentary too loud No commemorative gift February 2018 HLES - Riga
Arenas - Discussion How big a priority is it to have Showers? Competition map? Commemorative gift? What’s the best way to manage arena design? February 2018 HLES - Riga
Banquet - problems Too expensive – poor value for money Food quality Not well organised Poorly co-ordinated transport Insufficient advanced information February 2018 HLES - Riga
Discussion What is the goal for the banquet? How are caterers selected? Need for “master of ceremonies” What should the cost be? How much responsibility does/should SEA have? February 2018 HLES - Riga
Traffic/Parking/Transport More problems in this area than in any other!! 1. Private cars/own transport Inadequate road signs GPS co-ordinates Poorly organised parking Cars with no parking stickers got in free Very expensive parking fees Unexpectedly long walks from car park February 2018 HLES - Riga
Private transport - Discussion How much assistance should organisers give to those with own transport? Does SEA have any responsibility in this area? Is it right to charge for parking given the high entry fees for the event? February 2018 HLES - Riga
Problems 2. Organiser-supplied transport Inadequate information about timetable and route Buses did not keep to timetable Timetable not designed to fit the race day No organiser control of buses on the day No information available for waiting runners Disorganised ticket booking system February 2018 HLES - Riga
Discussion Should organisers let runners find their own way to events and not supply transport? Assuming transport is supplied/is mandatory:- Need for overall “transport czar” How does transport fit into overall organisation structure? Need for sufficient manpower/communications Does the SEA play any role in designing the transport scheme? February 2018 HLES - Riga
Accommodation - problems Not enough floor space provision Campsite provided as an afterthought Poor standards Prices are increased because organisers controlled hotel bookings Tour operators block book best hotels a long time in advance February 2018 HLES - Riga
Accommodation - Discussion How important is it that organisers find and provide floor space and camp sites? Should independent competitors be expected to find and book their own hotels or other accommodation? Should organisers seek to get an income from accommodation bookings? February 2018 HLES - Riga
Information Another major source of problems! Website Poor design Hard to register and/or pay Some important info was missing Too late updating with important information Not compliant with smart phones/tablets Site frequently broken Not all was in English February 2018 HLES - Riga
Website - Discussion What is the purpose of the website? Who should design the site? Should we “reinvent the wheel” each year? Who should be webmaster? Senior member of organising team?? Who should be given editing rights? Need rapid response during competition week February 2018 HLES - Riga
Information – other problems Difficult to get results/start times without WiFi Directions to Event Centre sent out too late Poor response to queries before WMOC week Not enough English speakers in key areas February 2018 HLES - Riga
Other information - Discussion Use of SMS Local WiFi in arena? Need for event secretary February 2018 HLES - Riga
Ceremonies - problems Poor lines of sight Too long, too many speeches, too much local language Unsuitable music in prize giving Wrong flags on display Inconvenient venues Cultural displays too long Spectators lose interest - too much chatting February 2018 HLES - Riga
Ceremonies - Discussion Who organises ceremonies? How to persuade local dignitaries to keep speeches short! Protocol for each medal award February 2018 HLES - Riga
Older competitors - problems Terrain too physical Terrain too dangerous Some start areas hard to walk to Too hot for the oldest February 2018 HLES - Riga
Discussion Terrain selection takes into account older classes Should transport to Starts be provided for older classes? Early starts to avoid highest temperatures How to cope with, say, the only M95 February 2018 HLES - Riga
Other problems High entry fees deter some competitors Certificate of participation needed by some RouteGadget not provided Cheating in the forest February 2018 HLES - Riga