Congratulations to our most recent students of the month! 6th Grade Newsletter! Welcome Back!!! We hope everyone had a happy, healthy, and well deserved break!!! The 6th grade staff is excited to get back into the swing of things! It’s hard to believe that the first semester is over and that the second semester has begun! We are looking forward to many great things ahead!!! Congratulations to our most recent students of the month! Skyler Hoagland And Skylan Terry Please make sure that your child is dressing appropriately for the winter weather and that they are wearing a coat to school. We have had several students trying to wear short sleeve shirts outside to recess. Due to their safety, this cannot be allowed. If they are not dressed properly, they will be asked to sit inside by their locker during recess and will not get to go out and play. We want to make sure our kids are warm and that their skin is being protected from the cold weather Student Council News: We would like to congratulate the 6th grade student council on a successful fundraiser for the CLF Animal Rescue! Our school raised over $1,300 dollars and collected a numerous amount of food, toys, and basic animal supplies!