Owatonna Public Schools Teacher Development PLAN (TDE) Get logo from EM website for TDE and put below title Get OEA logo and put as watermark on all slides
What is TDE? State Statute 122A.40 and 122A.41 mandates each district has a TDE (Teacher Development & Evaluation) plan in place by 2014-15. Each district must either: Develop our own plan through joint agreement OR Use the state default model OR Develop a hybrid of our own and state model Our last round of bargaining approved developing local plan which we are presenting today and potentially voting on this week.
Steps thus far… Administrators and OEA representatives have had multiple training opportunities both through district- and union-sponsored activities An advisory committee was formed last spring and met throughout this year – until we stopped working on unpaid committees The committee split into subgroups which developed plans in the following areas:
Major Components of the TDE Statute Teacher Growth Development and Evaluation Measurement Individual Growth and Development Plans Peer Review Process Value-Added Assessment Models Professional Learning Communities Summative Evaluations Growth Models Job-Embedded Professional Development Portfolio Option Student Engagement and Connection Mentoring and Induction Teacher Improvement Process
Steps thus far… (continued) A smaller group of TDE representatives combined all work done by subcommittees and sent it out to the larger committee for feedback in mid-May This group used feedback gathered to finalize the plan we are presenting today If the LOU is approved, the plan will go into effect and a TDE Oversight Committee will be established. The Oversight Committee will be able to adjust the plan as needed through the first year and the plan will need “re-approval” next spring.
Side-by-side document Provides text of the actual statute. Highlights some portions of our plan as compared to the state default plan. Use this to familiarize yourself with the statute and get a sense of the state default plan. If the LOU is not approved, we will have to use the state default model.
Owatonna Public Schools Teacher Development Plan An Overview
Job-Embedded Professional Development This section simply notes Owatonna Public Schools’ philosophy of job-embedded professional development. We have clarified that there is a commitment to embed some professional development within our work day, separate from planning time.
Individual Growth and Development Plan (IGDP) Each teacher must create an IGDP each year. IGDP will include at least two learning goals for students. These are detailed in the Measures of Student Growth section.
Professional Learning Communities The PLC structure and processes will be similar to this year’s structure. Additions: More connection to Individual Growth and Development Plan development PLCs review IGDP goals in fall and help analyze evidence of goal attainment in spring Possible peer review pairings in PLCs Teachers not participating in PLC will create goals and set up peer reviewer with administrator
Measures of Student Growth All teachers will create learning goals for students on IGDP. Shared building goal Each teacher shares a building goal created by the site team. Other student learning goal The teacher may create a goal on his/her own (with guidelines) or use a PLC-developed goal Teachers may create additional goals if desired.
Measures of Student Growth, cont. In the spring of each year, teachers will assess (with the help of the PLC members if desired) the attainment of those goals. A four-point scale will be used to “rate” attainment each year. In the year of formal evaluation (called “summative evaluation” in this plan), this rating counts for 35% of the overall evaluation (5% shared building goal, 30% other student learning goals). The teacher will report the rating on the spring IGDP reflection.
Student Engagement and Connection Teachers will administer student surveys three times per year. Each teacher will choose seven questions from a question bank. The teacher will analyze the data and maintain records. During the year of summative evaluation, this data will be used as 15% of the overall evaluation.
Peer Review Process Continuing contract teachers are formally evaluated (summative evaluation) every third year of a three-year cycle. During year one and two of the cycle, teachers will participate in peer review. Teachers choose peer reviewer from PLC, Teaching and Learning team, or may request another teacher. Teachers will be trained in coaching conversations. Protocols and documents for peer review are being created. All documents from peer review are the property of the teacher only. District receives sign-off from peer reviewer indicating the peer review has been completed.
Mentor Program TDE plan utilizes the established Mentor Program currently in place.
Teacher Evaluation In the third year of a three-year cycle, teachers will have a summative evaluation by a trained evaluator (administrator). The district will maintain the lists of which teachers are evaluated each year. In the overall evaluation rating, three components will be calculated together: Student growth and achievement data (35%) Student engagement data (15%) Evaluator’s summative evaluation (50%)
Summative Evaluation Continuing Contract Teachers This process will be similar to what is currently utilized – planning conference, observation(s), and reflective conference. Teachers will have the opportunity to submit a portfolio that the administrator will consider in evaluating the teacher. Probationary Teachers Continue to have 3 formal evaluations per year until achieving continuing contract. The summative evaluation constitutes 50% of the overall evaluation rating.
Teacher Improvement Process Teachers who show continued need for improvement may enter the Teacher Improvement Process upon the recommendation of the administrator. The document solidifies our current practices. The TIP process can move through three stages. Extra supports are provided in the first two stages. Disciplinary action may be taken in the third stage if there is not sufficient improvement.
Appeals Process Teachers may utilize an appeals process if he/she has an unresolved conflict with an administrator over goals, processes, or ratings in the TDE plan.
Current location of TDE information There is a TDE section under “Staff Links” on the district website It is likely that some of these things will roll over into an intranet set-up next year
Yes vote = use local plan No vote = use state default plan Get logo from EM website for TDE and put below title Get OEA logo and put as watermark on all slides