COST Connect event, Multilateral call in the Danube Region Prof. dr Viktor Nedović, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, EUSDR Priority Area 7 Coordinator Dijana Štrbac, PA7 Support Team 15th PA7 SG Meeting, June 13th 2018. Co-financed by the European Union
COST Connect event in the Danube region October 10th 2018, Belgrade, Serbia. Bringing together researchers from running COST actions with researchers from the Region. Topic: Energy/Energy Infrastructure. In case all parties are satisfied with the COST Connect event, another COST Connect event could be be planned for 2019, with a primary focus on Agriculture or Agriculture-related topics. Director of COST Association, Mr Ronald de Bruin will attend the event in Belgrade. SG members are invited to propose the potential participants and organisations who have an interest in the topic of energy in order to be invited to attend this event. Co-financed by the European Union
Multilateral scientific and technological cooperation in the Danube Region 2nd Multilateral call – planned for period between July and September 2018. Serbia will participate in the Multilateral call in 2018 – allocated funds for this purpose. Participating countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Republic of Serbia. Co-financed by the European Union
Thank you for your attention! Co-financed by the European Union