The Priestly society of the holy cross
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS The Priestly Society of the Holy Cross is an association of clergy intrinsically united to the Prelature of Opus Dei. Its aim is to promote holiness among secular priests through the exercise of their ministry in the service of the Church, according to the spirit and ascetical practice of Opus Dei. It is made up of priests incardinated in the Prelature and of other priests incardinated in their respective particular Churches.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Brief History Aims Membership and Structure Continuing Priestly Formation: Personal Continuing Priestly Formation: Collective Priestly Fraternity Dealings with Seminarians
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Brief History The Prelature of Opus Dei and the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross: intrinsically and integrally united. October 2, 1928: Opus Dei. The need for priests with the spirit of Opus Dei. 1940: start of ecclesiastical studies of the first three.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Brief History February 14, 1943: God makes St. Josemaria “see” the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross. October 11, 1943: nihil obstat from the Holy See. December 8, 1943: Canonical establishment by the archbishop of Madrid. June 24, 1944: Ordination of the first three.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Brief History 1948-1949: Possibility of leaving Opus Dei in order to establish an association for secular priests. April 1950: Possible to include in Opus Dei diocesan priests incardinated in various dioceses: through their inclusion in the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross. June 16, 1950: Approval of the Holy See.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Aims Solely spiritual. Striving to sanctify one’s priestly ministry. Striving for holiness in and through the priesthood. Leading others to holiness through one’s priestly ministry. Priestly fraternity: we do not struggle alone.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Membership and Structure Members: (1) clergy of the Prelature, and (2) diocesan priests, deacons and bishops. Diocesan clergy of the Society are incardinated into their respective dioceses, not into the presbyterate of the Prelature. Nihil sine episcopo. Spiritual help from the Society to fulfill their priestly duties well.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Membership and Structure Candidates and Cooperators. Structure. President: Prelate of Opus Dei. In each circumscription (e.g., Philippines and Indonesia): delegated to the Regional Vicar. Coordinator: Spiritual Director of the circumscription. Spiritual nature of the Society. No superiors.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Membership and Structure To help the Coordinator: Local Councils for different areas of the circumscription. Principally, in order to facilitate carrying out the aims: personal sanctity, priestly ministry, priestly fraternity. Philippines and Indonesia: 63 clergy of the Prelature + 60 diocesan clergy (in 20 dioceses); around 70 Cooperators.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Continuing Priestly Formation Personal Mainly through personal spiritual direction: accompaniment and support in the priest’s spiritual life. Encouragement to live a plan of personal piety.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Continuing Priestly Formation Personal Plan of Personal Piety Daily: Morning offering. Mental prayer. Holy Mass. Visit to the Blessed Sacrament. Reading of the New Testament and of some spiritual book. Holy Rosary. Examinations of conscience. Angelus or Regina Coeli. Liturgy of the Hours.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Continuing Priestly Formation Personal Plan of Personal Piety Weekly: Sacramental confession. A corporal mortification and singing or recitation of an antiphon to the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturdays. Monthly: A day of recollection.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Continuing Priestly Formation Personal Plan of Personal Piety Yearly: A retreat. Always: Presence of God. Consideration of divine filiation. Spiritual communions. Acts of thanksgiving. Acts of atonement. Aspirations. Mortification. Study. Work. Order. Cheerfulness.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Continuing Priestly Formation Personal Special emphasis on the care for the Holy Mass and everything that has to do with it. Center and root of the interior life. Care for the church: beauty and cleanliness. The importance of example. Care for the liturgy.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Continuing Priestly Formation Collective Circles: gatherings to discuss spiritual, doctrinal, moral, pastoral and liturgical topics. Annual seminars: meditations; recollection; spiritual, doctrinal, moral, pastoral and liturgical review classes and workshops; rest and recreation. Retreats for diocesan clergy. Holy hours.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Priestly Fraternity This is done mostly on a personal level through regular visits, helping in the pastoral needs of the parish, etc. Camaraderie, enjoying meals together, celebrating birthdays, excursions and other ways of resting.
THE PRIESTLY SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS Dealings with Seminarians A “bias” for vocations to the priesthood. Guidance and accompaniment in the spiritual life. Always with the approval of the seminary authorities. Life of piety. Circles for seminarians. Seminar for seminarians.
The Priestly society of the holy cross