Mark McMullen SVP – Membership & Fraternal Mission November 2018 General Session Membership Growth & Membership Experience Weekend Meeting Overview Mark McMullen SVP – Membership & Fraternal Mission November 2018
Weekend Agenda General Session Presentations Membership Experience Town Hall Q&A overview of new Branding Campaign How to Conduct a Successful State Convention Panel Discussion Workshop Lineup – Ideas Forum: Conducting effective Church Drives Recruiting Young Adults and Hispanics Working with your Pastor Online Membership – Best Practices Faith In Action Legal/Safe Environment Update Ceremonials & Training
Membership Update Performance through 10/31/18 (% change vs. YAGO) Intake U.S.: +1.4% Canada: +10.6% Order: -2.4% Net U.S.: -13.4% Canada: +77.8% Order: -9.4% Net/Net U.S.: -417/-40.9% Canada: +170/+15.5% Order: -891/-15.5% Division 1 YTD performance is strong! 8 on p.1 of Daily COH Report!
New Fraternal Mission Organizational Structure
Why the Reorg? To better align department personnel to address the dual objectives of promoting membership growth creating a more engaging overall member experience and drive retention
New Organizational Structure Old 2 group structure Membership Group and Program Group New Structure Membership Growth Team Membership Experience Team
The Membership Growth Team John Grogan – Sr. Director of Marketing and Membership Oversees all Membership Growth Team members and Online Membership Matt St. John – new Director of U.S. Membership Growth Oversees all U.S. Regional Growth/Training Directors and the College Team Bob Ennis – Director of Canadian Membership Growth Oversees all Canadian Membership Training Consultants
The Membership Growth Team Luis Guevara – Strategic Director of North American Ethnic/Hispanic Membership Growth – Strategic Focus Oversees all Hispanic and Mexican Regional Growth Directors and Training Coordinators Jose Jimenez – VP North American Ethnic/Hispanic Membership Growth – Field Focus
The New Membership Experience Team Damien O’Connor – new Sr. Director of Membership Experience and Formation Oversees Membership Experience and Engagement and and CIS Team members Tom Perretta – new Director of Membership Experience and Engagement Kyle Montgomery – new Director of Formation Strategy
The New Membership Experience Team Scott Read – Sr. Director of Programs and Brand Management Oversees all Program Managers Faith Family Life Community Oversees all Program Call Center Team Members
10 Key Areas of Focus for Success
10 Key Areas of Focus for Success Focus on Councils not recruiting and maximize Recruitment of Young Adults and Hispanics Form Young Adult and Hispanic/Ethnic recruiting teams in your jurisdictions. Rely on them to provide input for strategies to effectively appeal to Young Adults and Hispanic/Ethnic prospects. Also, make it a priority to appoint a Hispanic Membership Growth Director/Team that can work throughout your jurisdiction to conduct training, lead Hispanic/Ethnic NCD efforts, etc.
10 Key Areas of Focus for Success Focus on Councils not recruiting and maximize Recruitment of Young Adults and Hispanics More councils achieving Star Council Our Star Council #s decreased last year. I ask each of you to make it a priority to maximize the # of Star Councils and achieve your COH Star Council goal. Lean on your General Agents and Field Agents to help you achieve this goal!
10 Key Areas of Focus for Success Focus on Councils not recruiting and maximize Recruitment of Young Adults and Hispanics More councils achieving Star Council Communication - keep at high level with DDs and Councils schedule monthly calls with State Officers and DDs share best practices/address issues attend your DD District Meetings keeping communication at a high level is key! Keeping communication high at all levels is a key to success. I ask that each of you make a commitment to the following: Schedule monthly State Officer and DD calls to discuss progress and identify/discuss issues Have one of your State Officer team members attend as many DD regional meetings as possible
10 Key Areas of Focus for Success Commit to training. Identify specific training needs and a Training Director Identify a jurisdiction Training Director and conduct needed training in recruitment and retention.
10 Key Areas of Focus for Success Commit to training. Identify specific training needs and a Training Director Promote Supreme Webinars Direct correlation between jurisdictions that attend Webinars and those that do well in recruitment/retention
10 Key Areas of Focus for Success Commit to training. Identify specific training needs and a Training Director Promote Supreme Webinars Direct correlation between jurisdictions that attend Webinars and those that do well in recruitment/retention Create and enforce a Culture of Accountability at all levels - State, District, Councils
10 Key Areas of Focus for Success Commit to training. Identify specific training needs and a Training Director Promote Supreme Webinars Direct correlation between jurisdictions that attend Webinars and those that do well in recruitment/retention Create and enforce a Culture of Accountability at all levels - State, District, Councils hold DDs and GKs accountable for performance conduct regular reviews of your Strategic Plans at all Executive Committee meetings The biggest issue we have had that last few years has been at the DD level. Very important to hold DDs accountable to meet your expectations and to work to make sure their councils achieve their goals.
10 Key Areas of Focus for Success Promote council adoption of multiple Faith In Action programs Not enough councils implemented our Building the Domestic Church programs. We don’t want that to happen with Faith In Action. To help ensure this, I ask that you make sure that your DDs and Council GKs understand our new program model and specifically the new programs and mandatory programs that are part of the new Faith in Action program model.
FAITH COMMUNITY FAMILY LIFE RSVP Into the Breach Marian Icon Prayer Program Building the Domestic Church Kiosk Rosary Program Spiritual Reflection Program New Holy Hour New Sacramental Gifts New COMMUNITY Coats for Kids Global Wheelchair Mission Habitat for Humanity Disaster Preparedness Free Throw Championship Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest Soccer Challenge Helping Hands New FAMILY Food for Families Family of the Month/Year Keep Christ in Christmas Family Fully Alive Family Week Consecration to the Holy Family Family Prayer Night New Good Friday Family Promotion (New) LIFE Marches for Life Special Olympics Ultrasound Program Christian Refugee Relief Silver Rose Mass for People with Special Needs New Pregnancy Center Support New Novena for Life New
10 Key Areas of Focus for Success Promote council adoption of multiple Faith In Action programs Ensure that all councils have strong relationships with pastors and leverage pastors/chaplains in recruiting efforts We all know how important Pastors and Chaplains are to our success. I ask that you work to ensure that your GKs make it a priority to build a strong relationship with their pastors, make pastors aware of our new Faith in Action program model and to discuss how local KofC councils can help pastors accomplish the goals that they have set for their respective parishes.
10 Key Areas of Focus for Success Promote council adoption of multiple Faith In Action programs Ensure that all councils have strong relationships with pastors and leverage pastors/chaplains in recruiting efforts Communicate and promote incentives at all levels – State, District, Councils, Members We have new incentives at all levels – State, District, Councils and Members - to help drive membership growth. Please make it a priority to ensure that all of your councils are aware of these incentives and that you proactively promote them.
10 Key Areas of Focus for Success Promote council adoption of multiple Faith In Action programs Ensure that all councils have strong relationships with pastors and leverage pastors/chaplains in recruiting efforts Communicate and promote incentives at all levels – State, District, Councils, Members Promote online membership as the preferred, efficient path to entry
Thanks! For all you do – everyday – to grow the Order! Have an enjoyable and productive weekend!