Ice Cream Writing Activities End of the Year Ice Cream Writing Activities ©2015HappyEdugator
Write an Ice Cream Joke or Riddle To make it funny, be sure you have a good punch line! ©2015HappyEdugator
Create a PowerPoint on the History of Ice Cream Find out about where ice cream originated and who enjoyed it throughout history. Which came first, ice cream or refrigeration? ©2015HappyEdugator
Design Your Own Ice Cream Parlor Design your own ice cream store. Describe it in detail. What would you name it? Where would it be located? What would the exterior look like? How would you decorate the interior? What flavors would you serve? Try to paint a picture with words. ©2015HappyEdugator
Write the Lyrics to an Ice Cream Song ©2015HappyEdugator
Write a Legend About Ice Cream How could ice cream have influenced history? Why was ice cream created? How could it’s appearance explain something that happens in nature? Make an imaginary story that answers one or all of these questions. ©2015HappyEdugator
Write Directions on How to Make: (Choose One) Banana split Rainbow parfait Banana snowball Hot fudge bonanza Earthquake freeze Baked Alaska Peanut Butter soda Triple Pineapple Fluff ©2015HappyEdugator
Prepare A Speech Write the notes for a 3-5 minute speech that explains how to eat an ice cream cone, or that tells the story of the history of ice cream. ©2015HappyEdugator
Make an Ice Cream Dictionary Define at least ten ice cream related terms. ©2015HappyEdugator
Describe an Ice Cream World Imagine the world was made out of different flavors of ice cream. Describe what it would be like. ©2015HappyEdugator
Write Directions to Make Your Favorite Ice Cream If you like to eat ice cream, you should know how to make it. Write the directions to making your favorite flavor of ice cream. Be sure to list materials and ingredients needed, step by step procedures, specific measurements, and quantity of servings produced. ©2015HappyEdugator
Explain the Right Way to Dip Ice Cream Someday you might have a job at an ice cream store. Explain the proper way to dip ice cream cones for your customers. Give very specific instructions for future employees. ©2015HappyEdugator
Describe How to Give an Ice Cream Social You are an editor for a large national woman’s housekeeping magazine. In a short, but informative article, give directions on how to have a successful and fun ice cream social. Make sure you include how to write invitations, how to make decorations, how to serve it, what you will serve including drinks, and how to make your guests have a great time by offering games, choices, etc. ©2015HappyEdugator
Invent Your Own Flavor of Ice Cream Ice Cream comes in many delicious flavors! It was not always that way. For a long time, commercial ice cream only had three flavors…vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. Then creative people started coming up with new flavors. Some were not so good, but some became very popular. What would you name your flavor and what would the ingredients be? Do you think it could become a famous flavor? Why? ©2015HappyEdugator
Thank you for downloading my End of the Year Activities – Ice Cream Writing PowerPoint. I hope that you enjoy the resource and get a lot of use out of it. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. My email address is Commercial Graphics used with permission from the following: Microsoft Design,, For more teaching ideas and freebies, please click on the link to visit my blog! Also, I would love to have you follow me on Facebook. Look for me on Google +, Twitter, and Linked-In! Please leave feedback at My TPT Store. Remember, you will earn credits for leaving me feedback which goes toward any future TPT purchases. Thank you and happy teaching! Deborah Hayes aka HappyEdugator ©2015HappyEdugator