Network Services Benchmarking - NSB
What is NSB? NSB is a benchmarking and characterisation tool that automates NFVi and VNF characterisation. NSB characterisation provides simultaneous views of Network, NFVi and application metrics for a given test scenario. Presents the metrics in a unified fashion for the user to examine and do analysis The Network Services Benchmarking project is a test framework for measuring the performance for VNFs and NFVi. It allows the user to automate benchmarking tasks. It provides a configurable framework to characterise a wide range of workloads, and also provides facilities for benchmarking your NFVi. We will demonstrate Network Services Benchmarking in an OpenStack context to show how you can characterise VNFs running in your OpenStack cloud. We will demonstrate the flexibility of NSB in characterising different VNFs in different clouds, to give the reproducible performance benchmarks. This demo will show: - PROX, and how it can be used to create VNFs. - Different test cases being run - KPI collection and reporting for network, NFVi and VNF metrics and a configurable dashboard (adding additional graphs). NSB is a combination of a number of open source components including OPNFV Yardstick, OPNFV Barometer, OPNFV SampleVNFs, OpenStack, Open vSwitch, DPDK and collectd.
What makes NSB tick? OPNFV* Yardstick – test framework OPNFV* SampleVNFs – reference VNFs OPNFV* Barometer – NFVi KPI collection Other components: Collectd + collectd The Network Services Benchmarking project is a test framework for measuring the performance for VNFs and NFVi. It allows the user to automate benchmarking tasks. NSB is a combination of a number of open source components including OPNFV Yardstick, OPNFV Barometer, OPNFV SampleVNFs, OpenStack, Open vSwitch, DPDK It provides a configurable framework to characterise a wide range of workloads, and also provides facilities for benchmarking your NFVi. Openstack Heat to provision and manage the workloads.
What is in the demo? Network NFVI characterization using NSB and PROX in OpenStack context Using PROX as a synthetic VNF in OpenStack context, to give the reproducible performance data. Packet pROcessing eXecution Engine (PROX) is a DPDK application PROX can be configured as a traffic generator or a VNF with the proper configuration files and generate standardized reports The Network Services Benchmarking project is a test framework for measuring the performance for VNFs and NFVi. It allows the user to automate benchmarking tasks. It provides a configurable framework to characterise a wide range of workloads, and also provides facilities for benchmarking your NFVi. PROX is meant to provide applications that could be used by Telcos to determine platform capability. Take-away: An automated, easy to use benchmarking framework saves time on performance testing.
Demo Set-Up Compute 1 Make these bigger NSB SUT NSB Test Harness PROX as Traffic Gen (Sample VNF) Compute 1 PROX as workload (Sample VNF) Start test case Collect Results NSB (Yardstick test-harness) Openstack Pike NFVi Platform Host OS Ubuntu 16.04 Open vSwitch Ubuntu 16.04, Collectd Intel® Xeon® Server Intel® Xeon® Server Intel® Ethernet Network Adapter Intel® Ethernet Network Adapter Compute 1 Compute 2 Make these bigger
Call to action Innovation by open source and collaboration What other workloads do you want to see tested? What are your benchmarking needs? Use NSB and provide feedback to upstream projects! What other workloads do you want to see tested? What are your needs around benchmarking? Use NSB and provide feedback to upstream projects.