Counter Tobacco Advertising Speaker Notes & Ideas This brief may be used as a stand alone presentation or as part of specialized training(for facilitators), as part of a prevention, awareness or education program, or for discussion purposes. Points to consider- Negative effects and consequences of smoking and tobacco use Effects of advertising and marketing on kids, teens, adults and other groups.. Is smoking/dipping really sexy, cool, attractive? Counteradvertising How addiction occurs, how to quit, readiness to stop/behavior change, how to help others quit Use of current military tobacco data from 1998 DoD Survey of Health Related Behaviors on Navy/Marine Corps use What can I do to help reduce tobacco use in the Marine Corps and Navy? Mark A. D. Long & Carrlette Parker Health Promotion and Population Health Navy & Marine Corps Public Health Center
Do you have the time? The doctor indicated mine was short.
You only get less KISSES!.
To be cool, should you be a fool?
One puff gets me going in the morning.
If flavor makes me do this, I rather be without it.
When I inhaled, it went away.
Marlboro Country
Whom else does the Tobacco Companies market?