Barratt b-ball trivia Rules: 2-4 Teams Scribe: to record answers for each round Agent: to ensure other teams do not cheat Points: Each question correct (written on paper) gets 1 pt. Teams that answer correctly go to Bonus Round Quickest team correct (via hand up) in Bonus Round gets the rock to shoot for Bonus pts 3 shots allowed at 1 pt each
Round One This term refers to a fortified hill in the center of every city-state. The one in Athens may be the most famous of all ancient historical sites. A: Acropolis
BONUS Round One The name of the alliance of Greek city-states after the Persian Wars, created to prevent a future invasion. A: Delian League
Round TWO Perhaps the Greeks learned from the Phoenicians, when they built extensive ______across the Mediterranean Sea. Reasons for doing so included access to goods, surplus population, and power. A: Colonies
BONUS Round two This term refers to an armed infantryman that protected each city-state. They were required to supply their own spear & shield, and fought in tight-packed units. A: Hoplite
Round three For predictions, omens, and advice from priests who represented the gods, Greeks would often consult what? (The one in Delphi attracted thousands) A: Oracle
BONUS Round three Perhaps the most feared city-state because of its military skill. More than a thousand American schools currently have them as their team mascot. A: Sparta
Round four The central meeting-place of each Greek city-state, which served both political and economic functions (marketplace). A: Agora
BONUS Round four This form of government describes ruling power by a wealthy class of elites. A: Oligarchy
Round five From the 7th century to the 6th century BC, most Greek city-states were ruled by these figures. Their tough military-backed sense of rule often meant their power was short-lived. A: Tyrants
BONUS Round five Name any one Greek philosopher who came from Athens and influenced Western academia. Indeed, the word academics comes from the Greeks. A: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
Money shot round Rules: Option 1 (Sabotage) – Agent gets 3 shots, each score removes 1 pt from resident team Option 2 (Gamble) – Team may risk their own pts for up to 3 shots, each risked shot loses 1 pt, but has potential to be worth 3 pts if scored Each team can exercise one of the above options in this round.
Round six The group of thinkers from Athens who promoted the study of logic, public speaking, and rhetoric were known as: A: Sophists
BONUS Round six The Greeks possessed which of the following as their form of writing? A: Cuneiform B: Hieroglyphics C: Alphabet D: All of the above A: C
Round seven What was the name of the Athenian leader who built monumental structures such as temples and walls for his city, mostly at the expense of Athens’ allies? A: Pericles
BONUS Round seven Philip II and his son Alexander hailed from what northern region above Greece? A: Macedonia
Round eight The period of time that follows Alexander the Great’s conquests in which Greek culture spread across 3 continents was called: A: Hellenistic Age
BONUS Round eight Alexander the Great established more than 30 city-states, all named the same thing. (kinda confusing) They were all: A: Alexandria
Round nine What type of occupation did you have if you were a helot from the plains surrounding Sparta? A: Slave
BONUS Round nine What is the name of the sea that lay between the Greek mainland and Asia Minor to the West? It is peppered with thousands of islands. A: Aegean Sea
Round ten What was the name of the Persian emperor who brought an army of hundreds of thousands to invade and subjugate the Greeks? A: Xerxes
BONUS Round ten The Greeks were______, meaning they dedicated great effort to pleasing many gods via sacrifice, offerings, and service. Each city-state had their own protective deity. A: Polytheistic
Money shot round Rules: Option 1 (Sabotage) – Agent gets 3 shots, each score removes 1 pt from resident team Option 2 (Gamble) – Team may risk their own pts for up to 3 shots, each risked shot loses 1 pt, but has potential to be worth 3 pts if scored Each team can exercise one of the above options in this round.
Thanks for playing! Be sure to study Ch4 notes to prepare for the Unit 2 Test, and be sure to thank the honorable King Barrattagus for his efforts. Ask him what his favorite food is.